随机过程考试代考 ST302代写 马尔科夫链代写 统计考试代考
388ST302 Stochastic Processes 随机过程考试代考 Each question has several subquestions, whose marks are shown in square brackets. Your answers should be justified by showing your work Suitable...
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统计quiz代考 Quiz Instructions This quiz will cover the asynchronous content from the Week 6 module. It is due BEFORE our synchronous class.
This quiz will cover the asynchronous content from the Week 6 module. It is due BEFORE our synchronous class.
There are images in this quiz. Safari has issues displaying Quercus quiz images. Please use Chrome or Firefox.
Keep a record of your answers as if you are granted another attempt it will not save your answers AND the order will chance (i.e. don’t just write A or B, that will change).
This quiz is open book, so you are welcome to review the notes while completing it.
From the time you start, you will have either 1 hour to complete the quiz or until 4:59 p.m. on Monday, whichever comes first. You cannot pause the quiz once you start it.
The quiz will auto-submit any answers at the deadline.
You have one attempt.
You do not have to use RStudio while doing this quiz, but you are allowed to if you would like to.
This quiz has questions about the data in the starwars data set included with the dplyr package. For the purposes of this quiz, assume it is a representative sample of all characters seen in Episodes 1 to 9. This week’s quiz uses the updated version of this data (i.e. not the same as last week) and so running this code should give you the same results as what I get. That said you do not have to use RStudio while doing this quiz, but you are allowed to if you would like to.
You can download and few the PDF that accompanies this quiz before starting. Make sure you have it open, either in another window or on another device to refer to. This quiz also has some other ‘types’ of multi choice questions, including a ‘tick all that apply’ and a true/false, so make sure you read the instructions for each question carefully.
Goal of this analysis: I want to know a plausible range of values for the mean height of human men (gender: masculine) in Star Wars Episodes 1 to 9.
How might we expect the histogram shown in the analysis pdf (page 3 of w6_quiz_code.pdf) to change if we had had a smaller sample of the human man characters in Episodes 1 to 9? 1 pts
Which of the intervals below is a 95% bootstrap confidence interval for the mean height of human male Star Wars characters. 1 pts
Which of the statements below is a correct interpretation of the bootstrap confidence interval (181.0, 183.8)? 1 pts
Which of the following statements about the code below is correct? 1 pts
The following questions are general, i.e. not about the Star Wars analysis particularly.
Which of the following statements is/are TRUE? Please tick all that apply. (I.e. this question can have multiple answers). 1 pts
Note: for full credit on this question, you must select ALL the correct statements (one or more) and NONE of the incorrect statements. Each incorrectly selected (or missed) tick mark will lead to a partial deduction of points.
Bootstrapping is re-sampling with replacement from the original sample and so a bootstrap confidence interval can only be found for a mean. 1 pts
Consider 1000 samples of size 10 being taken from a population. Now imagine the variability in these 1000 sample means.
Consider 1000 samples of size 50 being taken from the same population. Now imagine the variability in these 1000 sample means.
Which group of sample means will show less variability? 1 pts
Suppose we want to estimate a range of plausible values for the proportion of left-handed students at UofT, based on a sample of students in STA130 (we are assuming that our sample of STA130 students is a representative sample of all students at UofT – while it is true that our sample only includes first year students, there is no reason to believe that handedness is associated with year of study, so this is plausible.) Which of the following statements is TRUE? 1 pts
Which one of the following statements about using bootstrapping to estimate a population mean is false? 1 pts
A parameter is a numerical characteristic of a population or distribution and an estimate can be calculated from sample data. 1 pts
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ST302 Stochastic Processes 随机过程考试代考 Each question has several subquestions, whose marks are shown in square brackets. Your answers should be justified by showing your work Suitable...
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