金融伦理代写 BUS 876代写 Ethics in Finance代写 essay代写
555BUS 876: Ethics in Finance 金融伦理代写 Class 3 Discussion Questions Group Discussion – What is a pension? What is the difference between a pension and a defined-contribution savings Class 3...
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文学与启蒙代写 1.How to write an introduction A good introduction sets out the context for the argument, presents the argument or thesis statement,
A good introduction sets out the context for the argument, presents the argument or thesis statement, and makes a statement of intent. These don’t have to be in this order, but should all be present. The argument is not an argument in the usual sense of the word, i.e., it doesn’t need to be too passionately argued and it shouldn’t be black-and-white. It is a position (a thesis or hypothesis) that you take with regard to the essay question. In the statement of intent—usually, a few sentences or a short paragraph—you indicate some of the content and points to be considered in the essay and in what order; here, too, you introduce the primary text(s).
Having set out your argument and intent, you then develop the argument through the essay. Move logically from point to point and idea to idea. This usually means devoting a paragraph to each point (or more than one paragraph to the point, if it is complex). These continue or build up of the argument, or, alternatively, suggest a possible counter-argument. If your paragraph becomes too long and complex, start a new paragraph, even if you are still developing the same point; you can think of these paragraphs as presenting “sub-points” of that point.
With each new point and new paragraph, make sure to signpost a new idea. This means that, with each paragraph, it should be clear to the reader what the controlling idea (the main idea of the paragraph) is, usually identifiable in a topic sentence (a single sentence, usually at or near the start of the paragraph, that captures the controlling idea). However, the topic sentence should not be a blunt or clumsy statement of the controlling idea. For example, you could say, “One key feature of More’s poem is the use of personifications”, but don’t say, “I am now going to discuss a key feature of More’s poem, which is the use of personifications”. Make the most of signposting words that indicate: continuation (e.g. “similarly…”, “in the same way…”); contrast (e.g. “however…”, “nonetheless…”); or development (e.g. “thus…”, “moreover…”).
Your argument and the points that develop it will need to be supported by evidence. These will be examples from the primary text(s) or arguments or statements from secondary sources (i.e., critical articles and books). Make sure to provide direct quotations from the primary text(s) and sometimes secondary sources, as this shows you have understood the text and read it carefully. Do not avoid quotations out of a fear of a high Turnitin score: the Turnitin score does not directly affect your mark, as your marker will look at how well you quote and cite in your essay, and not simply check your score.
Use your conclusion to summarise your argument and to reiterate any key points. While you should not introduce new ideas, you may raise possible directions of study that you haven’t been able to cover. Try to come down on one side of your argument. However, this doesn’t mean restating your argument fervently or stubbornly; you should conclude in a way that indicates that all the evidence has been considered and set out logically, giving the reader a sense of a well-substantiated (i.e., well-evidenced) argument.
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