数据可视化课业代写 ANLY 512代写 数据可视化代写
ANLY 512
Data Visualization
Getting Familiar with Tableau Assignment
数据可视化课业代写 This assignment is worth 100 points. There are 8 questions/tasks to complete. In the end, you should upload two tableau files and two word
This assignment is worth 100 points. There are 8 questions/tasks to complete. In the end, you should upload two tableau files and two word documents – a total of four files. Make sure your tableau files are .twbx files, NOT .twb.
Scenario #1: 数据可视化课业代写
Flights_data.twbx is a Tableau file contains information on all U.S. airline flights from 2010 and 2011. Create a Tableau worksheet to answer each of the following questions:
FILE to use: Flights_data.twbx (attached to the Homework #1 assignment in Canvas)
- A quick viz of flights over time shows a drop of more than 300,000 flights from 2010 to 2011:

From your experience, you know that flight activity did not drop so significantly between 2010 and 2011. Why does the viz above seem to indicate otherwise?
Investigate flights over time in more detail to determine why these yearly numbers show such a large drop. Explain what you find. Support your findings with any graphs you construct (maximum 3 graphs; be concise).
You are interested in identifying days that are particularly light in terms of travel each year. Are there particular holidays that seem to experience substantially lower numbers of flights? 数据可视化课业代写
Next, you want to know who operates the most flights. Is there one airline that operated more flights than any other single airline for each week in this dataset?
You would also like to know which states tend to experience the longest departure delays. Create a map that visualizes the departure delay that you can expect in each origin state. Allow the user to filter by airline. Colors should range from dark blue for states with short departure delays to dark red for states with long departure delays. Copy and paste your map in the space below. Make sure your screenshot contains the Columns and Rows shelves, Marks card, and the filter shelf.
Submission Instructions for #1: Attach this Word document that contains the responses to the questions for #s 1a-d. Name the Word document Homework#1_lastname.
Scenario #2 refers to #s 2 and 3 below. 数据可视化课业代写
The SuperDrugsPrescriptions.xlsx is an Excel file that contains fictitious pharmaceutical sales information. Create Tableau worksheets to answer the questions for #2 and #3.
FILE to use: SuperDrugsPrescriptions.xlsx (data is posted on the ‘Tableau Data Sets’ module in Canvas)
2.Exactly recreate the following visualization of the average prescription price over time:

Name the worksheet in Tableau ‘Average Script over Time’.
3.Exactly recreate the following visualization of prescription quantity vs. profit. The color of each mark denotes the region, and the shape denotes the drug supplier:

Name the worksheet in Tableau ‘quantity vs. profit’.
a. What pharmacy and drug supplier represented the highest profit mark on this viz, across all regions?
b. What pharmacy and drug supplier represented the highest profit mark on this viz in the East region?
Submission Instructions for #s 2 and 3: Attach this Word document that contains the responses to #s 3a-b. Name the Word document Getting_Familiar_with_Tableau_lastname. Attach the packaged Tableau workbook, .TWBX file, that contains the two Tableau worksheets for the graphs in #s 2 and 3.
In total, for this assignment, there should be two attachments to upload to Canvas, the Word document with the responses to questions and the .TWBX file that shows your work in Tableau for #s 2 and 3.

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