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批判性商业思维代写 Aritzia: How an iconic fashion brand can earn a comparative advantage and get better results with the help of social media. Introduction Part 1
Aritzia: How an iconic fashion brand can earn a comparative advantage and get better results with the help of social media.
Aritzia has adapted social media presence in various platforms to boost their business including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Soundcloud. Back in 2008, Aritzia initially launched their official account, @Aritzia, on Twitter and soon established a loyal following. With an average of 40 tweets per day, Aritzia is actively engaging and connecting with their customers. Similarly to Facebook and Instagram, Aritzia currently has around 200,000 likes and more than 3,000 posts on both of the platforms. According to Barney’s VRIO Framework, which Barney states that resources hold potential for a company to obtain a competitive advantage. For example, Aritzia’s most valuable resources are their online resources, namely their social media presence, which heightens their online distribution channels. In order to understand what kind of advantage these bring to Aritzia, we will be using the famous VRIO Framework.
Opportunities → value
To begin, easy access to clients
To begin, by ensuring their brand is accessible across all the platforms, Aritzia’s online resources open more opportunities for client acquisition and retention. For example, customers can directly get linked to Aritzia’s website through the platform as they have an “view shop” option: this presents a valuable opportunity. In fact, customers are more likely to be on Instagram than on Aritzia’s website, which makes them more likely to make a purchase.
According to Aritzia’s senior social media manager, Elisa Kosonen, “We believe Instagram is integral to how our audience is inspired to shop. We’re seeing a strong lift in sales conversions whenever we use shopping on Instagram, since tapping to learn about our products has become the norm.” (Meta for Business, n.d.) They practice the excellent use of their social media by creating connections among their social media accounts on different platforms and the address of their locations to it. They also successfully combine these mentioned channels for allowing the bidirectional flow of information and data between these systems.
In addition, provides valuable data to Artizia as a company to understand more about their clients and their competitors.
Aritzia can use social media to monitor their competitors
Cost of imitation
Talks about the resources a company has and how a company can use their resources to obtain a sustained competitive advantage by meeting the four requirements: high value, high rarity, being costly-to-imitate and organized.
Major claim: sustained competitive advantages cannot simply be created by evaluating external factors (like SWOT or Porter’s Five Forces Model). Competitive advantage depends highly on the resources and capabilities a firm has.
Physical resources
Financial resources
Small companies are less likely to get loans from banks compared to big companies.
Human resources
Organizational resources
Ex. Tesla’s physical resources include their manufacturing, their machinery and production facilities which includes their factory in California that produces 500,000 cars annually.
Tesla’s physical resources are valuable because it allows Tesla to neutralize threats in a highly competitive industry. The competitors are at a cost disadvantage to imitate this resource because building such facilities requires capital and time. This resource is organized because their manufacturing facilities are close to their physical stores
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