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953Portfolio 政治学论文代写 Answer two questions, one from part A (relating to course content on positionality) and one from Part B (relating to course content on knowing). Answer two q...
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经济历史代写 This assignment is part of your final assessment and accounts for 60 percent of your final grade in EH237: 10 percent for the project proposal and 50
This assignment is part of your final assessment and accounts for 60 percent of your final grade in EH237: 10 percent for the project proposal and 50 percent for the 3,000-word project. The project consists of an empirical investigation into a research question of your choice using sources that you have obtained from primary material. We are particularly interested in your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your sources.
The choice of topic is entirely up to you. In the past to help students get started on identifying a research question, we have encouraged students to focus on one of the following four topics for potential investigation:
Parliamentary Papers and London Metropolitan Archives. We also encourage students to study micro rather than macro topics. We have found in the past that students struggle to write good projects on macro topics because they do not have the quantitative or interpretive skills to analyse them well. Please speak with your class or workshop teacher if you select a question outside the ones above just to ensure that it is a workable topic.
A good project starts with finding an appropriate research question. This does not need to be completely original. No scholarship is wholly without antecedents. You can reinvestigate an existing question with additional data that you have found beyond what the literature has already used, or can revisit a well-known hypothesis with a new case study. The questions above should be taken as a starting point from which to develop a more precise and specific research question. Generally, the more focussed your investigation is the better your project will be.
London archives and libraries contain an almost unlimited supply of primary materials that can be used to carry out a simple investigation. Primary sources include archival holdings and contemporary printed material (i.e. from the period you are studying, not today).
You can find this list on the EH237 Moodle page. We hope that access to physical archives will be possible and would suggest this as your main focus.
A central part of the project is your evaluation of the sources you have used. Even census data has its problems, so make sure to discuss the potential issues with your sources at length: at least one-third of the paper. A high mark will mostly be a reflection of the fact that you have done a good job in these components. The use of completely original datasets including figures you have collected, however small, will be rewarded.
The paper is an empirical investigation, which could either be qualitative or quantitative or a mixture of both. Sophisticated quantitative techniques are not required to attain a high mark. The assessment will not be based on the level of difficulty in your analysis. What we are interested in is whether you understand your data sources and how well you apply your methodology to answering the research question. The best projects often use simple quantitative methods and small datasets constructed from primary evidence.
If you do use quantitative methods, we expect that you will use the basic statistical methods introduced as a part of the course when they apply to the evidence at hand: i.e. methods taught in lectures and as part of classes in MT and LT weeks 1-5. These include measures of central tendency and dispersion, distributions, standard errors, confidence intervals, correlation and simple, bivariate regression (not multivariate regression). You do not need to use all of these methods, but we will expect you to use them if it would be obvious to do so when answering your question. For instance, if your research question calls for a comparison of mean values of the same variable across two groups within a sample, we would expect you to calculate confidence intervals and provide a discussion of whether the difference between the means was statistically significant.
Note that your paper should test a hypothesis. This makes the endeavour social science oriented as we are less interested in projects that simply describe how things were in the past. This is particularly important for qualitative research projects where it is easy to fall into a descriptive narrative without attempting the rigorous hypothesis-based approach that is required.
Date | Project Milestone |
LT Weeks 1-2 | Read project assignment and pick a topic to focus on |
LT Weeks 2-4 | Read about the topic and narrow the research questionStart searching archive catalogues, library and online repositories for sourcesGet feedback on your research question, research design and sources in workshop (week 3) and class (week 4)Finalise the primary sources that you plan to use |
LT Week 5 | Complete and submit project proposal form (see due date below) |
LT Weeks 6-7 | Collect your data from the archive or online repositoryTranscribe your data from the primary source into ExcelResearch strengths and weaknesses of your source |
LT Weeks 8-11 | Conduct the analysis on the dataProduce graphs to visualise your resultsGet feedback on your analysis from peers and workshop leaders in scheduled class time |
LT Week 11 | Class teachers and lecturers will not provide any help after the end of LT |
Easter Break | Write up your final project following the guidelines below |
ST Week 1 | Submit your final project via Moodle and deliver one paper copy to sixth floor of Sardinia House (see due date below) |
You are required to submit a project proposal via Moodle by 2pm on Thursday Week 5. Complete the project proposal form (available on Moodle) answering all questions. You will receive feedback on the project proposal after reading week in Lent term so that you can make progress on your project throughout Lent Term.
Your final project should contain:
Paper (no more than 3,000 words in length, excluding abstract, references, figures, tables and footnotes – no 10% margin):
a summary of the main argument and contribution of your paper in 125 words or less
setting out your research question, its relevance for economic history demonstrated through a short literature review.
a discussion of your source, its characteristics, and its problems.
how you propose to address your research question, why this is appropriate, and what the limits and problems of your method are. Where appropriate this should include an explicit discussion of your hypotheses and how you plan to test them.
your analysis of the data.
discuss your findings; the limits of the project; how it could be improved and/or further extended; and how it shifts the existing literature discussed in the introduction.
Cite your sources in Chicago Manual style including page numbers. Include a bibliography of all references cited at the end of the project. Be sure to reference the primary sources that you used in the project. See the style guide on Moodle for more details.
It is often easier to place these at the end of the paper rather than inserting them throughout. Be sure to label tables and figures (i.e. Figure 1 or Table 1) and refer to them in the text. Figures and tables should also have informative titles and axis labels and list the source of the information. Use the lessons learned about creating good graphs in class. Only include figures and tables that are discussed in the text, and be conscientious about the number of figures and tables you include: having lots of figures does not necessarily lead to a higher mark. You do not want to include a huge number of figures and spend only a sentence interpreting each. If you use regression analysis (which again is not required), please create regression tables as formatted in typical economic history papers rather than copying Stata outputs into your paper.
The paper should use Calibri, 12-point font and be double spaced. Include page numbers.
Note that qualitative projects may not follow the same strict source, methods, analysis, conclusion structure and might benefit from critiquing sources and analysing them thematically.
If you have collected substantial quantitative data, we ask that you submit your Excel data file containing your raw data with clear worksheet and column headings so we can understand what is in the file. We do not need to see all of your calculations or graphs, just the data. This does not count toward the word length.
The final project is due by 2:00 pm on Tuesday of Week 1 of Summer Term, when we return from the Easter break. You must submit your project and the accompanying data file (if necessary) on Moodle (upload both files at the same time). The marking is blinded so only write your candidate number and no other identifying information on your submission. You will need to include the departmental cover sheet as the first page of your submission.
Please name the files you submit on Moodle as follows: CandidateNumber_Course (e.g. 123456_EH237.pdf). We will be able to distinguish your project from your data by the file extension.
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