java编程考试代做 COMP S311代写 Java代写 Java考试助攻
447COMP S311 Online Exam Time Allowed: 3 hours java编程考试代做 Instructions - Answer ALL questions in Part I. [60%] - Answer no more than FOUR (4) questions in Part II. [40%] - The total mark...
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计算机网络作业代写 In this assignment, you will develop a simple Web client/server in Java. You can assume the server is capable of processing only one request at a
In this assignment, you will develop a simple Web client/server in Java. You can assume the server is capable of processing only one request at a time.
Specifically, your Web server will
1) create a TCP connection socket when contacted by a client (that plays a browser role)
2) receive HTTP GET requests over the connection
3) parse the request to determine the specific file being requested
4) get the requested file from the server’s file system
5) create an HTTP response message consisting of the requested file preceded by header lines
6) send the response over the TCP connection to the requesting client
If a browser requests a file that is not present in your server, your server should return a “404 Not Found” error message.
Your Web client will 计算机网络作业代写
1) create a connection socket given the server info (IP and Port 80)
2) send an HTTP GET request asking for a file specified by a user input
3) receive the HTTP response message from the server
a) If it is an error message, show the error
b) If it is a requested file, it saves the file into a local directory
You can use a simplified HTTP request message format. A request message may look like:
Similarly, a response message may look like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK [content body]
A simple example of TCP socket programming
Course Canvas: Files > codes > tcp socket example
HTTP GET message format
Output stream
Input stream
○ Socket created with IP/Port
○ A message sent
○ A message received
○ What is the parsed HTTP request
○ What is the response message content
○ Show screen captures (both server and client) that show the client can download and save
■ Image file (.png or .jpg),
■ A simple text file,
■ Our course slide PDF file
○ Show screen captures (both server and client) that show the client receives an error message when requesting an invalid file name.
○ Please comment on the codes appropriately so the grader can understand your codes easily.
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COMP S311 Online Exam Time Allowed: 3 hours java编程考试代做 Instructions - Answer ALL questions in Part I. [60%] - Answer no more than FOUR (4) questions in Part II. [40%] - The total mark...
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