计算机网络代写 IP addresses代写 Internet代写 CS代写
981CSCI-UA.0480-009 midterm (47 points) 计算机网络代写 1. (3 points) What are the units of throughput, queueing delay, window size, capacity, RTT, and Bandwidth-Delay Product? Instructi...
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网络安全代做 Instructions: Student should submit this exercise by uploading your completed work (in MS Word format) to the Moodle under the “Tutorial 3
Name: | Student ID: | Class: |
Student should submit this exercise by uploading your completed work (in MS Word format) to the Moodle under the “Tutorial 3 Submission” link in the course site. The submission deadline is shown in Moodle.
To get familiar with the basic concepts in information security, and the basics of packet analysis. In particular, in this lab we will analysis the network packets by a software named “Wireshark”. Wireshark is a software protocol analyzer, or “packet sniffer” application, used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and protocol development, and education. A packet sniffer is computer software that can intercept and log data traffic passing over a data network. As data streams travel back and forth over the network, the sniffer captures each protocol data unit, and can decode and analyze its content.
3.This main display window of Wireshark has three panes that similar to the screen below. The “PDU List Pane” at the top of the diagram displays a summary of each packet captured. By clicking on packets in this pane, you control what is displayed in the other two panes. The “PDU Details Pane” in the middle of the diagram displays the packet selected in the Packet List Pane in more detail. The “PDU Bytes Pane” at the bottom of the diagram displays the actual data (in hexadecimal form representing the actual binary) from the packet selected in the Packet List Pane, and highlights the field selected in the Packet Details Pane. Each line in the Packet List corresponds to one PDU or packet of the captured data. If you select a line in this pane, more details will be displayed in the “Packet Details” and “Packet Bytes” panes.
Use command “ipconfig” in Windows’ command prompt (CMD) to determine your IP address and your default gateway IP address
Your workstation IP address: | |
Your default gateway IP address: |
5.Ping your default gateway with the IP address identified above by using command line (cmd).
6.In the “Filter” box located under the icon bar, type “icmp” and press enter to filter other results and show only the ICMP messages.
7.Select the first ICMP message from the “PDU List Pane” (the top pane) and try to see the details of this packet. And fill in the information to the following table.
Byte size of the packet: | |
ICMP message type: | |
ICMP message checksum: | |
Byte size of actual data in the packet: | |
Content of actual data in the packet: | |
Efficiency of the packet (data size/packet size): |
8.Close all the opened web browsers and reset the capturing in Wireshark. To reset capture in Wireshark, click the “Restart the running live capture” button (green triangle icon that located at the right side to the red square of the icon bar).
Open any browser and go to “hk.yahoo.com” only. Stop the capturing after the page loading completed. Then, in the filter box, enter “http” and press “enter” button. Determine the number of http events in the capture results.
10.Seems that there are too many http related events captured in the results above. We go back to see a simple text-only web site. Reset Wireshark capture and close the web browser. Then, open any browser and go to “http://www-scf.usc.edu/~csci571/Special/HTTP/simple1.html”. There should be two events captured related to the link above. Determine the information of the following table by these two events.
HTTP Request method | |
Reply status code | |
Response phrase | |
Server type |
11.Reset Wireshark capture and close the web browser. Then, open any browser and go to “http://www-scf.usc.edu/~csci571/Special/HTTP/simple2.html”. Determine the number of http events and explain each event below.
12.Reset Wireshark capture and close the web browser. Then, open any browser and go to a web page “http://www.techpanda.org/”. The login address as admin@google.com, and the password as Password2010 and click the “Submit” button. You should see four related http events in the capture. Enter the information to the following table by referring to the third and fourth event (the event info with POST /index.php HTTP/1.1\r\n).
HTTP Request method | |
Destination port of the request | |
Can you find your inputted text string in the related events? |
Reset Wireshark capture and web browser. Then, open any browser and go to UOW email “http://outlook.com/owa/uow.edu.au”. Then, after successful login to email. You should see no events related to the login. It is because the Email login is encrypted by HTTPS protocol using Transport Layer Security (TLS). To see the details, change the content of the filter box from “http” to “ssl.record.version == 0x0301” (display TLS packets). Enter the information to the following table by referring to the third and fourth event.
Destination port of the request | |
Can you find your username and password in the TLS events captured? |
14.Referring to the results obtained in steps 12 and 13. Discuss the implication of adding security to the user authentication process in the Internet.
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CSCI-UA.0480-009 midterm (47 points) 计算机网络代写 1. (3 points) What are the units of throughput, queueing delay, window size, capacity, RTT, and Bandwidth-Delay Product? Instructi...
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