网络安全作业代写 AST20203代写 Internet Security代写
AST20203 Internet Security
网络安全作业代写 Instructions: Student should submit this exercise by uploading your completed work (in MS Word format) to the Moodle under the section
Instructions: 网络安全作业代写
Student should submit this exercise by uploading your completed work (in MS Word format) to the Moodle under the section “Tutorial 1 Submission” in the course site. The submission deadline is shown in Moodle.
To get familiar with the basic concepts in information security.
Question 1 网络安全作业代写
Open the command prompt (Start button -> type “cmd” in the search box).
(a) Type the command “tracert” with “enter” button. Fill in the “IP address” column in sequence from top to bottom in the table below.
(b) By using this link (, find out the description (refer to the field “descr:” from the result after submitting the IP address) and enter into the “Description” column below. (You may write down “NetName:” or “organization:” if there is no “descr:” found)
(c) By using this link (, find out the location (refer to the field “country:” from the result after submitting the IP address) and enter into the “Location” column below.

IP Address | Description | Location |
Question 2 网络安全作业代写
By using the similar ways as in question 1 and use the same table format, try to find out the path for the website “”
IP Address | Description | Location |
Question 3
Information security protects information that has value, protecting “CIA”. Describe the concept of “C”, “I”, and “A” in detail.
Question 4 网络安全作业代写
Visit the web site of The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data and refer to the general introduction of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486). In particular, read through the “Six Data Protection Principles” (
Match each principle to the concept of “C”, “I”, “A” respectively.

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