474留学生的学术论文怎么写?需要提前拟提纲么? 学术论文怎么写 学术论文的严谨性要求非常强,如果被发现了有不严谨或者是表述不准确的地方,对论文的评价就会大打折扣,这对学生的成绩会有很大的影响。国外的...
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学术反思代写 You are required to write up your reflections (1,000-words on each; 2,000-words in total). You can select two political acts of your choice
You are required to write up your reflections (1,000-words on each; 2,000-words in total). You can select two political acts of your choice from those discussed on the course.
· Voting in an election (opportunities for this will likely be limited)
· Participating in political party politics
· Signing or starting a petition (on- or off-line)
· Wearing a badge or ribbon
· Participating in activism
· Getting involved in town / parish politics
· Civic engagement
· Pre-figurative politics
· Life-style activism (e.g. veganism)
This section is worth 20% of the mark. An exemplary assignment will need to be super clear about exactly what you did and why. When writing about your decision to undertake a particular political act, please elaborate on whether it was the issue that motivated you, the opportunity to participate in a particular way, or both, and why.
This section is worth 20% of the mark. An exemplary answer will reflect on whether your participation had any outcomes. You can think broadly about different types of outcomes. Did it have a policy impact? Did it change someone’s mind? Did it raise awareness? Did it have identity implications etc. You can begin to use insights from the course materials in thinking through the impacts of your action.
This section is worth 40% of the mark. An exemplary answer will draw on concepts, evidence and empirical insights from the lectures, readings, seminars- and online activities. We especially recommend engagement with the Democratic Phoenix theory. We expect you to refer to at least six pieces of academic literature in total.The final 20% of the mark is awarded for academic skills: knowledge and understanding; cognitive / intellectual skills; proper use of scholarly resources; and communication and presentation skills. A exemplary assignment will show in-depth knowledge and understanding of political action, it will build a persuasive argument, it will reference and cite articles appropriately and will be well-written, well-structured (i.e. good introduction and conclusion) and be easy to understand. It will include at least eight references to the scholarly literature, including some items on the reading list.
Someone asked me about an introduction and conclusion and how this fits in with the task as specified. Here is my advice: You can introduce the piece in the first section (what you did and why – this can allude to whether you thought it might be effective and to how it talks to the course content), and conclude in the final section on ‘how does it relate to the course?’. You should have picked an act that relates to the course content (otherwise you would have little to right about). Note that some of the course content also had some reflections on the efficacy of actions, and you should have other scholarly insights, too, to summarise at the end. I hope this makes sense.
更多代写:CS欧美网课代修 ap考试代考 英国生物学考试代考 欧洲管理学paper代写 社会学report代写 留学生编程代写
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留学生的学术论文怎么写?需要提前拟提纲么? 学术论文怎么写 学术论文的严谨性要求非常强,如果被发现了有不严谨或者是表述不准确的地方,对论文的评价就会大打折扣,这对学生的成绩会有很大的影响。国外的...
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