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战略品牌管理代写 Assignment Task This assignment is an individual presentation. You are to record a video or PowerPoint with audio voice-over using a maximum of
Programme Title | MA MMEHT, MSc EM |
Module Title | Strategic Brand Management |
Module Code | 296 |
Assignment Title | Contemporary Issue Recorded Presentation |
Weighting | 40% |
Assignment Format | Coursework |
Assignment Word Count | Click here to enter text. |
Presentation Duration | 12 minutes |
Module Learning Outcomes covered in this assignment | 3. Evaluate the impact of contemporary issues on service brand management |
This assignment is an individual presentation.
You are to record a video or PowerPoint with audio voice-over using a maximum of ten PowerPoint slides plus one or more slides of references (no audio on the references slide). The audio presentation must be limited to between 10 and 12 minutes.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the presentation has been recorded and plays.
Note that we need to see the slides and not your face.
Presentation Content:
Choose a service organisation (brand) that you are familiar with, critically evaluate the impact of a contemporary issue on its brand equity.
Any incidents which have happened to particular brands in recent times or issues related to any of the following:
Environmental concerns
Fair Trade products
Internet branding
International branding
Digital media
Etc. (You only need to choose one contemporary issue).
You should consider the following guidance points which are there to structure an effective piece of work:
The criteria shown below are based on UCB generic verbal presentation criteria adapted to the context of this assessment.
The breakdown of marks will be 20% creativity, 80% effectiveness of presentation and understanding/knowledge of branding principles illustrated. 战略品牌管理代写
In addition to the above please note:
PDF guides can be found in the Canvas Help section AND in the assignment support folder for this module. You are strongly advised to practise recording and uploading a video to Panopto at least a week before you attempt to record and upload your submission.
Recording a Powerpoint voice over:
For guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available through Canvas.
General Assignment Guidance
TEAMWORK AND ITS ASSESSMENT | Should this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will receive an individual grade based upon your performance as well as personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual grade and feedback will be determined. |
Importance of Word Counts and Presentation Timings | Assignment word counts and presentation timings should always be observed. Ignoring a word count increases significantly the risk of your work losing marks because it lacked structure, flow, focus and clarity. Timings must be observed for assessed presentations for the same reasons. |
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