491科技论文写作的成果展示该怎么做?论文该怎么写? 科技论文写作 现在的科学技术都非常发达,而国外高校对于科技学科也都非常看重,每年都会向社会输送非常多的高科技人才,也都注重在学校研究成果的转化,所...
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基础设施政策代写 This year we had a seminar session on the UK infrastructure planning system and the Planning Act 2008 (Session 4). At the seminar, discussions
This year we had a seminar session on the UK infrastructure planning system and the Planning Act 2008 (Session 4). At the seminar, discussions were based on 3 papers (which can be downloaded from the folder entitled ‘Papers for the Seminar’ in the ‘Session 4 – Seminar’ tab of the course’s Moodle page).
1) Walker, A. (2018). The Planning Act 2008 Regime: Has It Worked? Paper prepared for the 48th Joint Planning Law Conference.
2) Marshall, T. and Cowell, R. (2016). Infrastructure, Planning and the Command of Time. Environment and Planning C, Vol. 34(8), pp. 1843–1866.
3) Raco, M., Durrant, D. and Livingstone, N. (2018). Slow Cities, Urban Politics and the Temporalities Of Planning: Lessons from London. Environment and Planning C, Vol. 36(7), pp. 1176–1194.
QUESTION ON PAPER 1: Walker, A. (2018).
1) Walker uses the following criteria to assess the effectiveness of the Planning Act 2008 Regime: Stability, Certainty, Attractiveness, Timings, Validity, Participation, and Delivery. Do you agree with this list of criteria? Do you agree with the way in which these criteria have been defined? Are there any other criteria that should be considered?
QUESTION ON PAPER 2: Marshall, T. and Cowell, R. (2016).
2) Please summarise briefly the key arguments and findings of the paper
QUESTION ON PAPER 3: Raco, M., Durrant, D. and Livingstone, N. (2018).
3) Please summarise briefly the key arguments and findings of the paper
· Write your answer in a Word document. You must submit the assignment via Moodle (the resubmission link on the Moodle page will be made visible at the end of July) by Monday 16th August.
· Write your post only after you have done the required readings.
· Read carefully the questions.
· Think of a thesis before writing.
· Support your ideas with evidence (e.g. previous lectures, other course modules you have attended, literature sources, examples). Include full reference for the sources of knowledge employed at the end.
· Make your posts clear and concise (i.e. approximately 100-150 words for each question).
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科技论文写作的成果展示该怎么做?论文该怎么写? 科技论文写作 现在的科学技术都非常发达,而国外高校对于科技学科也都非常看重,每年都会向社会输送非常多的高科技人才,也都注重在学校研究成果的转化,所...
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