409法律专业的论文主题除了犯罪,还有哪种主题吸睛? 论文主题 有很多的法律学生在确定论文的主题之前都会在网上收集论文的主题哪个比较多,然后再决定自己的论文主题,这种方法虽然可以确定自己的主题方向,但...
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研究论文提案代写 This assignment is in preparation for writing your research paper. By completing the assignment, you will have an opportunity to discuss the
This assignment is in preparation for writing your research paper. By completing the assignment, you will have an opportunity to discuss the resources that you have for writing the research paper with your instructor and peers. It consists of two parts: an annotated bibliography and a proposal.
Deadline: before midnight Mar. 20th
An annotated bibliography is one of the ways that researchers use to document their sources and is oftentimes the first step to writing a research paper. In writing an annotated bibliography, you need to both summarize and critique your sources. Before writing a long research paper, it is very helpful to write an annotated bibliography to fully understand your sources before you write the paper.
-APA style reference at top of page
–One paragraph summary of the source presenting the findings
-One paragraph critique of the source evaluating its strengths and weaknesses
Your research paper proposal should be 1-2 pages, addressing the following questions:
Audience: Your instructor, your classmates, and the general research community
-Your paper should be double-spaced, use 12-point font Times New Roman, 1’’ margins, page-numbered, and follow APA format
-Please submit your annotated bibliography and proposal as ONE Word document through Canvas
-Please use the following format to name your annotated bibliography and proposal:
“First name initial _ Last name _ AB & Proposal”
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合作平台:essay代写 论文代写 写手招聘 英国留学生代写
法律专业的论文主题除了犯罪,还有哪种主题吸睛? 论文主题 有很多的法律学生在确定论文的主题之前都会在网上收集论文的主题哪个比较多,然后再决定自己的论文主题,这种方法虽然可以确定自己的主题方向,但...
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View details一篇好的大学论文应该如何来完成?国内专业代写这些小技巧分享! 大学论文代写 在当下很多的留学生都会考虑选择到国外留学,国外的很多学校在学术研究上有直接的优势,但是对于学生留学生涯来说要求也是非常...
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