集团公司分析代写 BU 216/AC 321代写 财务报表分析代写
BU 216/AC 321. Business Finance
Term project
Financial statement analysis – group company analysis
集团公司分析代写 The Financial statement analysis is the first part of the term project. Make comparable analysis for your project company and
The Financial statement analysis is the first part of the term project.
Make comparable analysis for your project company and its main competitor company in the same industry. Your selected companies should be (1) in the same industry, and (2) listed on a U.S. stock exchange and be profitable. They should not be financial firms or auto companies.
Get Balance Sheet, Income statement, and cash flow statement for group companies from their annual reports.
You can use the following resources to find the annual reports:
- Yahoo Finance (Free; highly recommended)
- SEC 10-K reports
- Wall Street Journal website
- Company website (Investor relations or similar tabs)
- Valueline through SMC library website
You are highly recommended to use the library website to do financial research:
(1)Go to
(2)Click “Research by Subject”
(3)Select “Business &Accounting”
(4)From the left navigation bar, select “Business & Accounting”
(5)Select “BU 216 Business Finance”. You will be able to access EDGAR, yahoo finance, Valueline, Wall Street Journal, and other exchange websites.
The financial statement analysis for your project company and its main competitor should include the following analysis: 集团公司分析代写
1. Common size income statement
1) Create a Common Size Income Statement for each of your companies over the past 3 years. Use Excel to generate the common size statement.
2) Identify common size trends over time for each company in their income statement: Which percentages are increasing/decreasing/staying relatively the same?
3) Compare the trends in common size percentages for key income statement line items: one company vs. the other
2. Ratio and Dupont analysis
(1)Calculate key financial ratios for group firms.
The financial ratios should include the following categories:
a. Short-term solvency (liquidity ratios): Current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio
b. Long-term solvency (financial leverage ratios): Total debt ratio, equity multiplier, times interest earned
c. Efficiency ratios: Inventory turnover, inventory days, receivables turnover, accounts receivable days
d. Profitability ratios: Profit margin, ROA, and ROE 集团公司分析代写
e. For the Market Value ratios, only calculate P/E and PEG ratios and use latest stock price, projected EPS and projected 5 year growth rate from Yahoo Finance (see recent quote and analyst estimates pages) in calculating the market value ratios.
f. Make sure you show your calculations in the excel spreadsheet.
(2)Dupont Identity: decompose ROE into profit margin, total asset turnover, and equity multiplier. Based on your observations, how those firms improve their ROE respectively?
(3)Make you analysis by comparing your chosen companies: which firm performed better compared to the other competitor and how each firm’s financial performance changes over time (Your analysis should focus on firm liquidity, long-term solvency, efficiency and profitability.)
(4)Discuss recent and expected financial performance based on your financial ratio calculations, trend and historical analysis, and analyze reasons underlying this performance. Your analysis should include a discussion of: (i) Investigations on the current business strategy for both companies; (ii) the business focus of the industry; (iii) related business news, updates or changes on management activities (if any).
(Note: your submission must include a word file and an excel file. The word file should show your analysis, and the excel file should show your calculation process. )

Formatting requirements on the writing: 集团公司分析代写
- Each team should submit (1) a writing report to address the issues mentioned in the guideline document; and (2) an excel file to show your calculation process.
Main Text:
- Manuscripts should be submitted in Word.
- Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12-point Times Roman) for text.
- Use 1 inch margin.
- Use italics for emphasis.
- Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
- Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.
- Use the equation editor or MathType for equations.
- Save your file in docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or doc format (older Word versions).
- Page length: your financial analysis report should be in 8-10 pages, including important financial tables. Single page; Double spaced; Font:Times New Roman; Font size: 12
References: 集团公司分析代写
- Cite appropriately: to the end of the writing report, add a separate section to list all references.
- Make sure you list references at the end of your main text if your report includes works that have been published or accepted for publication.
- The reference should follow the APA format. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work. Order multi-author publications of the same first author alphabetically with respect to second, third, etc. author. Publications of exactly the same author(s) must be ordered chronologically. See examples below:
Modigliani, Franco, & Miller, Merton H. (1958). The cost of capital, corporation finance and the theory of investment. American Economic Review, 48(3), 261-297.
Moshirian, Fariborz, Tian, Xuan, Zhang, Bohui, & Zhang, Wenrui. (2015). Financial liberalization and innovation. Kelley School of Business Research Paper No. 2014-08.
Note: the writing report will receive plagiarism review by using Unicheck.

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