中级微观经济学代考 ECON 3101代写 博弈论代写 经济学代考
474ECON 3101 - Intermediate Microeconomics Section: Game Theory 中级微观经济学代考 This section, Game Theory, has 3 questions. Choose two of them to answer. Note, the questions you decide to c...
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金融经济学代考 • 100%=25 points (30 points for students in 8037) reading/scanning/uploading time: 15 minutes writing time: 180 minutes (195 minutes for students
• 100%=25 points (30 points for students in 8037)
reading/scanning/uploading time: 15 minutes
writing time: 180 minutes (195 minutes for students in 8037)
• Name the uploaded file in the form of “uni id-FINAL”.
• NO working within groups is allowed!!
Any form of cheating will lead to 0 Points=0%
• Due on Monday 16/11/2020 by 12:15 PM (12:30PM for students in GMT+10
(scanned solutions on Wattle).
Late assignment cannot be accepted!!
• Please explain formulas and variables briefly in your answer.
There is a riskless asset and risky asset with corresponding payoff matrix:
(a) Formulate the European call option on the risky asset with strike price 10$.
(b) Let the prices for the riskless asset be 10$ and for the risky as 12$.
-Is the market arbitrage free?
-Is the market complete?
Give an argument for each of the answers.
(c) Find a replicating portfolio for the Option from part a.
Explain all your six answers in the following part (a) and (b)!
(a) True/False questions:
(i) The CCAPM implies that a risky asset with a positive risk premium can provide insurance to investors.
(ii) If the return rate is uncorrelated with aggregate risk, this asset has a higher success probability, compared to a risky asset that pays out in good times but not in bad times. Assume they have the same expected return.
(b) Multiple choice question on the CAPM: Which statement of the following is wrong?
(i) An overvalued stock lies above the security market line.
(ii) A portfolio lying on the efficient frontier must have a β > 0.
(iii) If β = 0, then the expected rate of return of this asset is rf .
(iv) If β = 1, then the expected rate of return of this asset is rm.
(c) What is the Capital Market Line (CML) and the Security Market Line (SML)?
(d) Explain the interrelation between the CML and SML.
Let aggregate endowment at time T = 2 be given by
ω2 = w · (1 + g1) · (1 + g2)
with g1, g2 being independent and identically distributed based on a fair coin with gt , t = 1, 2, taking values {−2%, 4%}, and initial wealth w = 2 trillion AUD.
(a) Draw the resulting event tree, specify probabilities of states at time T = 2 and specify the random variable ω2.
(b) Compute the conditional expectation of the aggregate endowment ω2 at time t = 0, 1, 2.
Assume that dividends determined by 50% of the aggregate output. Let the utility index be u = ln and δ = 99%. What is price of the risky asset at time 0 as function of aggregate output with T = 10.
The following problem is only for students registered to 8037!
In Week 12, we mentioned 12 responses to puzzles resulting from the standard model. In Week 10, we listed the primitives and model predictions of the standard model:
Associate 5 responses of your choice (out of 12) to a particular primitive or model prediction. Explain each association in one precise sentence.
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ECON 3101 - Intermediate Microeconomics Section: Game Theory 中级微观经济学代考 This section, Game Theory, has 3 questions. Choose two of them to answer. Note, the questions you decide to c...
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