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1165AMAT 592 Assignment 2 MATLAB作业代写 This assignment is done by MATLAB. Put all your code together in one executable .m file and submit on Blackboard. • This assignment is done by MATLAB. ...
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都市主义代写 Throughout the semester we have been studying various urban types and design proposals that have emerged as the result of changing social, economic,
Throughout the semester we have been studying various urban types and design proposals that have emerged as the result of changing social, economic, political, and technical conditions. Most recently, and during the 20th Century, we have seen that cities have taken a shape and form that is radically different from what came before – all following design and planning principles that appears to be based on very sound reasoning. However, the quality of the public realm has not always added up to something that is pleasing or useable. And many cities have places that are not inviting to anyone. This assignment is asking you to look at the design of the public realm and consider ways that an urban place could be improved. You can reference any of the models and ideas you have seen throughout the class, but you will need to justify your thinking.
Start with an urban place with which you are familiar (this could be a plaza, a street, a park, or a combination of urban spaces). And develop a ‘Lynch’ memory map of it as you did with the Rose Hill campus in Assignment #1. Provide a description of the place written as a critique of the design— basically. What’s wrong (or right) with it. Or what can be improved—and then offer a solution to make it better. 都市主义代写
As I suggested in class, imagine that you have a magic wand and can transform the place in any way you see appropriate—so you can be bold. Describe the transformed space in your write up and develop either a diagram or an image to describe it. I encourage you to take an image or photo of the place and add your ideas on top of that so that you have a ‘before’ and ‘after’ image of the place.
As with Assignment #2, your written description needs to include a justification for the changes you are proposing. So, describe what’s wrong or missing, and then your proposal to improve it.
Please combine your work into a single PDF document. Name the file starting with your last name then first name. And Assignment 3 – so in my case; Stienon Christopher assignment 3.pdf . And email to me by the time of the scheduled final exam for this class. (and note that we are scheduled to meet on that day).
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AMAT 592 Assignment 2 MATLAB作业代写 This assignment is done by MATLAB. Put all your code together in one executable .m file and submit on Blackboard. • This assignment is done by MATLAB. ...
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