492科技论文写作的成果展示该怎么做?论文该怎么写? 科技论文写作 现在的科学技术都非常发达,而国外高校对于科技学科也都非常看重,每年都会向社会输送非常多的高科技人才,也都注重在学校研究成果的转化,所...
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财务管理学期论文代写 Like most large banks, Citigroup has traditionally derived a significant portion of it revenues and net income from its trading activities.
Like most large banks, Citigroup has traditionally derived a significant portion of it revenues and net income from its trading activities. These activities include positions taken to facilitate customer orders, as well as purely proprietary trading activities, i.e., trading for its account with its own money.
Citigroup includes a detailed discussion and analysis of Market Risk in its trading portfolios in its 10-K report.
Discuss the changes in the level of disclosure between 2005 and 2018. As part of your discussion, please address the following points:
Please note: You do not need to discuss the actual results of either year; or how the numbers changed from 2005 to 2018. Focus only on the way price risk in the trading portfolios is presented by Citigroup.
Citigroup reports its proprietary trading activities as a business segment it calls “Principal Transactions.”
The attached spreadsheet contains a table of the profits/(losses) for the Principal Transactions segment, by transaction type, over the last 16 years (2003-2018). (This data was taken from Citigroup’s 10-K reports, filed with the SEC, with some reformatting to match the presentation format of 2018, and ignoring an immaterial amount of “Other”.)
Using this data, please address the following questions.
Note: For all questions, assume (1) a Normal Distribution; (2) mean future return of zero; and (3) ignore any autocorrelation.)
a. Using a lookback period of 2003-2018 (i.e., using all 16 years of data), what is the one-year 99% confidence level VaR for each transaction type?
b. What is the one-year 99% confidence level VaR for the Principal Transactions business segment as a whole?
c. How does the VaR of the total business segment compare to the sum of the VaRs of the individual transaction types? Explain in words what causes this difference.
a. Using a lookback period of just the most recent five years (i.e., 2014-2018), what is the one-year 99% confidence level VaR for each transaction type? What is the one-year 99% confidence level VaR for the Principal Transactions business segment as a whole?
b. Compare the VaR of the 2014-2018 lookback period, to the VaR of the 2003-2018 lookback period, both by transaction type, as well as a whole. Briefly discuss the implications of your comparison.
Assume that regulators require Citigroup to keep a multiple of 3 times VaR for capital adequacy.
a. For the one-year 99% confidence level VaR, how much capital would be needed for the overall Principal Transactions business segment, if using a lookback period of 2003-2018?
b. How much capital would be needed for the overall Principal Transactions business segment, if using a lookback period of 2010-2018?
c. Using the lookback period of 2003-2018, allocate the required capital of the overall Principal Transactions business segment to the individual transaction types, based on their relative contribution to VaR.
Citigroup management wants to review the risk-adjusted returns of the Principal Transactions business segment. Using the required capital calculated in Question 3, for the lookback period 2003-2018:
a. What was the Return on Required Capital (“ROC”) for 2018 for the overall Principal Transactions business segment as a whole? (ROC is equal to the reported revenue divided by required capital.)
b. What was the ROC in 2018 for each transaction type?
c. What was the ROC for the average revenues in the post-Credit Crisis years (2010-2018), for each transaction type? What recommendations might you make to management to improve risk-adjusted profitability?
Useful hints and reminders:
Please submit the text portion of the assignment as a Word document or PDF.
Please submit the calculation portion of the assignment as an Excel file. Full credit for correct answers will only be awarded if it includes formulas showing your calculations.
Good luck!
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