653留学生的实习报告怎么写?找代写公司能解决么? 留学生实习报告代写 对于每一个实习结束后的实习生来说,怎么写实习报告让导师过审成为了最大的难题。有的人选择找代写公司,这确实是一种方式,如果想要自己...
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计算机安全实验代写 Learning Aims: This coursework is designed to enable you to reflect and report on your computer security experiences in the lab sessions.
This coursework is designed to enable you to reflect and report on your computer security experiences in the lab sessions. You should also use appropriate references.
You are required to write another detailed report, of about 1000 words, that covers a third aspect of computer security that you will have encountered in the labs and lectures. Marks will be awarded for the correctness and completeness of your answers (including whether or not you have explored each topic in enough depth, and whether what you have written about is technically correct). For top marks, any additional knowledge beyond what you have learned in the class sessions or labs will demonstrate that you have really understood the concepts.
You should carefully read Coursework RUBRIC.
You are expected to write up to 1000 words for this topic. During the labs you will have worked to improve the security of a vulnerable server. Describe in detail what actions you performed, and why, and what actions you would perform if you had more time. Which services did you install or remove? What configurations did you change? And so on. As you can imagine, there are many things you could do to this machine to improve security: try to perform or describe as many as you feel is reasonable to secure it. Many marks are available here for detail, but given that you only have 1000 words, try to prioritise the critical vulnerabilities first. In some cases (e.g. distribution upgrades) it is acceptable to simply say what you would have done given more time, … but feel free to perform these actions if you wish.
The deadline for submission is 4pm, April 7. All submissions must be through Moodle.
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留学生的实习报告怎么写?找代写公司能解决么? 留学生实习报告代写 对于每一个实习结束后的实习生来说,怎么写实习报告让导师过审成为了最大的难题。有的人选择找代写公司,这确实是一种方式,如果想要自己...
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