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2021 ─ 2022 学年第 1 学期期末考试 自然语言处理 卷A
自然语言处理代写 1、对于给定新闻文本 James Webb Space Telescope successfully deploys antenna By Tariq Malik published December 27th, 2022 NASA’s new James Webb Space
James Webb Space Telescope successfully deploys antenna
By Tariq Malik published December 27th, 2022
NASA’s new James Webb Space Telescope successfully deployed a critical antenna Sunday (Dec. 26) just one day after its Christmas launch into space.
The space telescope unfolded what scientists call a gimbaled antenna assembly that carries the high-rate data dish responsible for beaming Webb’s observations of the early universe back to Earth. Webb launched into space Saturday atop an Ariane 5 rocket that lifted off from a spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. 自然语言处理代写
“This antenna will be used to send at least 28.6 Gbytes of science data down from the observatory, twice a day,” NASA officials wrote in a mission update. “The team has now released and tested the motion of the antenna assembly — the entire process took about one hour.”
The $10 billion Webb space telescope is designed to study the earliest stars in the universe and other cosmic mysteries. It is the largest and most powerful telescope ever launched into space.
Saturday’s antenna deployment was the latest in a monthlong series of steps to prime the space telescope for its deepspace observing mission. Webb is currently on a 29-day journey to a stable point in space called Lagrange Point 2, or L2, which is nearly 1 million miles (1.6 million kilometers) from Earth. It is from there that the infrared space telescope will observe the universe.
In addition to the antenna deployment and testing, 自然语言处理代写
Webb flight controllers activated the telescope’s temperature and strain gauges for the first time, according to NASA’s update. Those gauges will allow flight controllers to monitor the Webb space telescope’s temperature and structural health in the days to come.
Having an accurate reading of Webb’s temperature and structural loads is key for mission scientists and engineers because one of the most harrowing periods for the space telescope is still ahead: deployment of its huge sunshield.
The James Webb Space Telescope is an infrared observatory designed to make the most detailed observations ever, but only if it can be kept cold enough. To do that, Webb will unfurl a huge multi-layered sunshield the size of a tennis court that will unfold in stages over the first eight days after launch. The first step in that deployment process is expected to begin Tuesday (Dec. 28), three days into the mission. 自然语言处理代写
The next immediate step for the Webb space telescope will be a second mid-course correction burn, a maneuver designed to refine its course toward L2. That maneuver, the second of three planned burns, is expected to be completed later in the day on Monday.

1.1 分割出标题、作者、日期和正文。(15分)
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1.2 找出正文中的所有专有名词(首字母大写)。(5分)
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1.3 找出专有名词中出现频率最高的词(5分)。
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2、对于给定文本 自然语言处理代写
中国传媒大学是教育部直属的一流学科建设高校,学校坐落于北京古运河畔,地处首都功能核心区和北京 城市副中心之间。
2.1 实现后向搜索最大匹配算法进行分词。(10分)
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2.2 并把分词结果和thula分词结果进行比较。(5分)
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2.3 分析结果,简述所出现的错误分词的分类及原因(5分)
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2.4 如果可能,文字简述可能的改进方法。(5分)
3 对于以下给定语料 自然语言处理代写
1.NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope mission
2.James Webb space telescope engineers take extra time to ensure smooth sunshade deploy
3.NASA delays tightening James Webb Space Telescope sunshield to study power system
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5.Omicron COVID-19 is spreading around the world
6.Covid-19 Omicron India Live Updates
7.Beijing Winter Olympics fast approaching amid ongoing woes
8.Winter Olympics: What are the seven new events at Beijing 2022?
9.Canada is ‘worried’ over Beijing Winter Olympics as it cites concern over Omicron variant
3.1 选择至少在两个以上新闻标题中出现的词的频率,构建文档–词矩阵,系数为词频(5分)
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3.2 用SVD方法对文本进行分析,试分析数据集,代表话题类别的关键词是什么?(5分)
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3.3 上述分析中,你所选择的降维维度K=?请简述原因。(5分)
3.4 请简述SVD的基本作用,解释矩阵分解后各维度所代表的含义。(5分)
4 同样使用第三题数据集 自然语言处理代写
4.1 根据tf-idf构建相似度矩阵,简述该词权重模型相较于文档–词模型的优点。(10分)
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4.2 构建推荐方法,根据下文中用户所看过的内容,推荐相似内容。(10分)
Over 2.83 bln COVID-19 vaccine doses administered on Chinese mainland
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4.3 基于词向量构建相似度矩阵,简述与使用tf-idf构建的矩阵异同。(10分)

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