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综合业务流程代写 For this assessment, you are required to perform an analysis of the above case and make recommendations in terms of its corporate IT environment
Viaene and Isik. 2013. “Corporate IT transformation at BARCO” Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, Vol. 3, pp.70-77. [ Corporate IT transformation at BARCO.pdf]
For this assessment, you are required to perform an analysis of the above case and make recommendations in terms of its corporate IT environment and enterprise systems deployment strategy.
1) Corporate IT Environment
2) Enterprise Systems Deployment 综合业务流程代写
Your report should follow a introduction-body-conclusion format. It should be limited to 1000-1500 words, excluding references.
You are strongly encouraged to draw on the material covered in this unit and/or external material from research to support your analysis and recommendation. For this assignment, you should find the unit material in Module 1 and 2 to be very helpful.
We will spend time discussing other asepcts of this case in the Week 4 online meeting (see Week 4 online meeting)
You Individual Case Analysis and Recommendation Report will be assessed using the following criteria:
From the case, I think the transformation plan for BARCO’s corporate IT environment would work well.
When Stefaan first joined BARCO, many IT facilities were too old and the company had not invested a lot of money in IT for last couple of years. Personal computers in company were at least 6 years old; operating systems and local area networks were 10 years old and older; the telephone infrastructure was suffering from old age; LAN equipment was too old to recycle. According to the “IT spend vs sales” ratio, IT investments in BARCO was well below industry benchmarks from 2003 to 2008. There was almost no depreciation for earlier IT investments can be found and no significant replacement investments had been budgeted. At that time, the application architecture at BARCO was in silos. The system is complicated and lack of commonality, different divisions have different installations of the same software (Viaene & Işık, 2013).
He tried to ask the company board to increase the IT budget. He planned to use 30% of the IT capacity to support the existing systems and use 70% of the IT capacity to put a new application portfolio in place. He replaced the Baan system and implemented a new Business Intelligence layer. Stefaan was trying to increase the level of the commonality for the system, standardize the system more. He wanted to avoid the customization tsunami of the past (Viaene & Işık, 2013).
I think BARCO was not ready for the transformation during that time because the old application landscape was not designed with the new business model in mind. It did not support a matrix structure that required shared, company-wide business processes, and it also did not support the business requirements around improving operational performance. It is difficult and costly to add any of the new reporting (Viaene & Işık, 2013).
At the time, the end-of-life expectation of that system was less than two years, and there was no prepared upgrade plan on the market. The application landscape had been suffering from stability issues and the functional gaps in the software had led some of divisions to compensate with extra applications and customizations (Viaene & Işık, 2013). Stefaan wanted to have an integrated system which could provide standardized business processes and integrated business information. Steafaan thought that SAP was their catalyst for change, I agree with him.
For a company, the effective implementation of the SAP enterprise system requires not only an acquisition of a high level of technical expertise, but a change in organizational culture. The organizational culture will change from rewarding individual brilliance to encouraging project teams (Pereira, 1999). The greatest benefit of SAP system is integration, it could reduce data redundancy and redundant data entry, improve the efficiency of an organization. The greatest benefit of SAP system was the transform that Stefaan wanted to make for BARCO, in other words, SAP system could bring adequate integration to BARCO.
Implementing SAP enterprise system could be expensive for a company, however BARCO as a global company, the size of the company is large and it has many employees, so the reduced cost brought by SAP system could also be huge due to a better integration. Also considering the situation that the new version for Baan software did not have as complete a set of functionalities and options for implementation and support as other packages, I think SAP enterprise system would be a good choice for BARCO overall.
I would recommend a postmodern ERP deployment strategy to BARCO because it suits BARCO’s transformation and the strategic development. Postmodern enterprise resource planning strategy is a new approach to getting the most out of these heavy-duty business software systems used by larger organizations. The goal of a postmodern ERP strategy is to use the best applications possible in each particular area, while ensuring they adequately integrate with each other when necessary (Hale, 2018). In my opinion, if BARCO selectively implements postmodern elements into their ERP strategy, they will benefit from more effective systems that are tailored to their own unique needs.
There are three specific advantages for BARCO to implement a postmodern ERP strategy. The first advantage is increasing the business flexibility. For example, if the system is hosted in the cloud, then with the specialist application from the cloud, BARCO can leverage upgrades applied by the software vendor, let users make configuration changes, and replace applications within a two- to five-year time frame. The second advantage is reducing complexity of the core ERP. Implementing a hybrid set of solutions frees BARCO from having to customize a monolithic ERP suite to meet a differentiating business need. The third advantage is the better use of IT resources.
Postmodern ERP allows BARCO’s IT resources to focus on enabling innovation and differentiation instead of spending most of their time maintaining a bloated legacy system. According to these three advantages, I strongly recommend a postmodern ERP strategy to BARCO.
In conclusion, SAP system is an appropriate choice for Stefaan’s transformation plan, and I would recommend a postmodern ERP deployment strategy to BARCO.
Hale, Z. (2018). Postmodern ERP: What It Is and Why It’s Important. Retrieved from
Pereira, R. E. (1999). Resource view theory analysis of SAP as a source of competitive advantage for firms. ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 30(1), 38-46.
Viaene, S., & Işık, Ö. (2013). Corporate IT transformation at BARCO. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 3(2), 70-77.
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