统计学的基本概念代写 统计学代写 统计考试代考 统计代做
786Practice Midterm 统计学的基本概念代写 Part I. Points and Number within sections are approximate and may change. Short Answers –2 points each (5) 1.Will we get nominal or ordinal data Part I...
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统计课业代写 There are 12 question groupings. You are expected to address each question in the grouping. Each question “grouping” is worth 8 points and
There are 12 question groupings. You are expected to address each question in the grouping. Each question “grouping” is worth 8 points and partial credit will be awarded for partially correct responses; you begin the exam with a 4 point bonus. Answers should be clear, thoughtful, and to the point! That is, short paragraphs for each grouping. No need for long essays! Make sure to put your last name in the file name.
Laurito, A., J. Lacoe, A.E. Schwartz, et al (2019). School Climate and the Impact of Neighborhood Crime on Test Scores. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 5(2): 141–66. DOI: 10.7758/RSF.2019.5.2.08.
Hamlin, D. (2021). Can a positive school climate promote student attendance? Evidence from NYC. American Education Research Journal, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 315–342
DOI: 10.3102/0002831220924037
2.How do chronic absenteeism and neighborhood violence affect school outcomes? How is school climate believed to affect absenteeism or test scores in each of the articles? What is the evidence for this?
3.Both studies use data from the NYC Learning Environment Survey to measure school climate. What constructs are used to define school climate in each of the articles? What are the similarities and differences?
4.Describe the sample used in each study. What is the sample size? Who is included/excluded? Are the samples comparable, that is, could you generalize the results from one study to the other?
5.Describe the data used in each study? What are the dependent variable? The independent variables? Control variables? What is the unit of analysis? What is the unit of observation?
6.What is the type of research design used in the Laurito et al study? Was random assignment used? Why or why not? Does it show temporal priority? There are many potential threats to the internal validity on a study aimed at establishing cause and effect. Identify three possible threats to the internal validity of a study. How well does this study eliminate or minimize these threats?
7.What do the results in Table 2 tell us? Are any of the coefficients on crime statistically significant? What is the R squared? How do the two models in ELA/math differ? What independent variables are not included in the model? How do the results in Table 2 and Table 3 differ from each other?
8.Table 3 shows a correlation matrix. Describe the relationships between the variables – which are more highly correlated, which are least correlated. Which are statistically significant?
9.What type of regression analysis does Hamlin use in this study? What reason does he give for using this? Table 4 provides the results of this regression analysis. What coefficients for incidence rate are statistically significant? At what level? Which of the odds ratios for chronic absence are statistically significant that were not for Total Absences? Table 5 presents results for the 8th to 9th grade cohort. What do the results show?
10.What is the conclusion or “takeaway” message of both of these studies?
11.What do the authors identify as limitations of the study? Do either of these studies have external validity? To whom can this study be generalized? To whom would you feel it inappropriate to generalize these findings? Why?
12.Using one of the studies, how might qualitative research be used to further explain these study findings? Which method or approach might you use? What questions would you explore?
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Practice Midterm 统计学的基本概念代写 Part I. Points and Number within sections are approximate and may change. Short Answers –2 points each (5) 1.Will we get nominal or ordinal data Part I...
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