exam统计代考 Statistics代写 统计考试代考 统计代考
613Statistics 1 Duration: 1h:30m exam统计代考 Note: During the test only the use of a sheet with formulas and a calculator areallowed. QUESTION 1 (5,0) Punctuality in meetings is a worrying ...
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统计时间序列代考 1. Let xt = 3.5 + 1.2xt−1 − .8xt−2 + wt where wt is a white noise with variance 5.5. (a) [5 marks] Identify xt as an ARMA(p, q). (i.e. find p, q and
Let xt = 3.5 + 1.2xt−1 − .8xt−2 + wt where wt is a white noise with variance 5.5.
(a) [5 marks] Identify xt as an ARMA(p, q). (i.e. find p, q and the values of the parameters including the mean of this process).
(b) [5 marks] Assume that x198 = 1.9 and x199 = 2.8 and x200 = 3.1. Compute 统计时间序列代考
point forecasts for x201 and x202. Find interval forecast for x201.
(c) [5 marks] Generate 100 observations from the ARMA model xt above using set.seed(1692) (to have the same numbers). Use this sample to estimate the model and write down the estimated parameters.
[10 marks] (only for Stat4603) data in the column x in the csv file test-data represent monthly sales for certain product. What ARMA model would you suggest for the data xt? (You will write down the numerical values of the estimates). Comment on the diagnostic checking of your tentative model. Use it to forecast the next sale.
[10 marks] Data in column y of the csv file test-data contains some signal perturbed by a noise. Use a sinewave function (trigonometric) to estimate the signal. Write down your estimated model and use it to predict the next value.
[10 marks] Let st = xt + yt where xt and yt are two AR(1) models independent from each other with covariance functions γx and γy. Let φ1 and φ2 be the AR(1) coefficients of xt and yt respectively. Find the covariance function γs(h) of the sum st (in terms of γx and γy) as well as its autocorrelation function ρs(h). In case φ1 = φ2, what model does st follow?
(For stat 5504 only). Let Y = X2+XZ where X and Z are independent, normally distributed and E(Z) = E(X) = 2 and E(Z2 ) = E(X2 ) = 3,
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Statistics 1 Duration: 1h:30m exam统计代考 Note: During the test only the use of a sheet with formulas and a calculator areallowed. QUESTION 1 (5,0) Punctuality in meetings is a worrying ...
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View detailsMAT 3379 Midterm 时间序列期中代写 You write this exam at home. Please submit via BrightSpace . Late submissions will not be accepted. It should be one, PDF file, which clearly You write...
View detailsIEOR 3402: More Practice Questions 运筹学练习题代写 1.We consider the forecasting of stationary time series, where each observation is represented by a constant plus a random fluctuation, i.e.,...
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