电子电路设计代写 EE 311代写 Electronic Circuit Design代写
622EE 311 Electronic Circuit Design II Practice Exam 电子电路设计代写 Instructions: 1.This exam is close book, close notes. You may use a calculator but it may not be shared with anyone else du...
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电力系统分析代写 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This paper consists of 2 questions. Answer ALL questions. 2. Read the above information carefully to
1. This paper consists of 2 questions. Answer ALL questions.
2. Read the above information carefully to ensure you have the correct and complete question paper.
3. Please follow the requirement of each section and upload all the hand written corresponding answers on the downloadable answer book provided.
4. Communication between candidates in any means is forbidden. Answers must be entirely individual candidate’s independent effort. If you are found sharing your solutions with other candidates, or suspected of doing so, you would be penalized accordingly.
5. Candidates are required to scan the answer book and upload it in Moodle Platform within 15 min after the completion of examination.
The per unit bus data and bus admittance matrix for a three-bus power system are given in Table 1 and Ybus respectively.
Assume the initial per unit voltage V2 = 1.00Ð00 and V3 = 1.00Ð00 . Determine the per unit voltage V2 and V3 (up to four decimal places) using Gauss-Seidel method by performing THREE (3) iterations. Using the latest bus voltages, determine the per unit slack bus apparent power (up to four decimal places). [CLO1-PLO2:C4](20 Marks)
A three-bus power system is shown in Figure 1. The bus voltages, impedances, power generated, real and reactive power demand indicated on the diagram are in per unit value. The per unit bus admittance matrix of the network is given by Ybus . Calculate the voltage at BUS 2 and BUS 3 (up to four decimal places) by performing one iteration using Fast Decoupled Newton-Raphson method. [CLO1-PLO2:C4](20 Marks)
Jacobian Matrix
Hii = − Qi − |Vi|2Bii
Nii = − Pi + |Vi|2Gii
Mii = − Pi − |Vi|2Gii
Lii = − Qi − |Vi|2Bii
Hij = −|Vi||Vj||Vij| sin ( θij + δj – δi )
Nij = |Vi||Vj||Vij| cos ( θij + δj – δi )
Mij = −|Vi||Vj||Vij| cos ( θij + δj – δi )
Lij = −|Vi||Vj||Vij| sin ( θij + δj – δi )
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EE 311 Electronic Circuit Design II Practice Exam 电子电路设计代写 Instructions: 1.This exam is close book, close notes. You may use a calculator but it may not be shared with anyone else du...
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