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Risks and Challenges of IoT and its Cybersecurity
物联网论文代写 With the rapid innovation and advancement in technology, it has brought supreme revolutionization in human civilization.
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….3
2. Facilitations Provided by IOT…………………………………………………………3
2.1 Computerization and Control……………………………………………………….3
2.2 Provision of Information…………………………………………………………….3
2.3 Monitoring and Updates………………………………………………………………4
2.4 Communication………………………………………………………………………4
2.5 Advancement in Tasks……………………………………………………………….4
2.6 Time efficiency……………………………………………………………………….5
3. Accentuating Growth of Cybersecurity Issues relating to IoT Technology………….5
4. Ultimate Challenges and Security Threats Proposed by IoT Technology……….…..6
4.1 Outmoded Software and Hardware……………………………………………………6
4.2 Utilization of Feeble and Automatic Credentials ……………………………….……7
4.3 Difficulty in Analyzing if the IoT Appliance is Affected………………….………….7
4.4 Protection of Data and Resources……………………………………………….……7
4.5 Malware and Crypto ware………………………………………………………….…8
5. Impact of IoT Security Threats on various Industries…………………………….…..8
5.1 Impact on Business and Marketing Sector………………………………………….…8
5.2 Impact on Manufacturing Industries……………………………………………….….9
5.3 Impact on Healthcare Industries………………………………………………………9
6. Prevention from IoT Security threats and Risks………………………………………9
7. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………10
8. References ………………………………………………………………………………11
ABSTRACT 物联网论文代写
With the rapid innovation and advancement in technology, it has brought supreme revolutionization in human civilization. Technology has facilitated humans in every sector and with the current advancement in the technological sector, it has rewarded mankind with artificial intelligence, robotics, and Internet of Things IoT. The technology of IoT has allowed people to think more innovatively and has brought ease in the functioning of daily tasks.
It has induced productivity in the major sectors such as stock markets, businesses, manufacturing, and production industries, and various other industries, not only that it has made it easier to monitor and keep a check on the work progress of several tasks. It has improved the working control of operating systems. But with its several facilitations comes the risks and challenges too. There are various risks and security challenges that people observe in the implementation of IoT because as it is entirely connected to various online platforms it has direct access to the internet making it not so secure in its mechanism, as it is still limited by several risks and challenges in its cybersecurity.
1. Introduction
The technology of the Internet of Things is fundamentally known to connect various other technological devices and is indicated as the next major revolution in the industrial sector. It has transformed the dimension of the interconnection of various devices. IoT is an augmentation of the prevailing interconnection between humans and technological devices that involves the addition of things that are connected digitally. IoT devices are used to record and calculate data that can be from various sources such as mobile phones or even stationary, it can also involve the measuring and reporting of complex data from various devices.

2. Facilitations Provided by IoT 物联网论文代写
2.1 Computerization and Control
The IoT technology enables the various device to be connected digitally use wireless networks, reduces the mad labor in controlling this device. This provides the opportunity for people to control all the devices digitally and with great efficiency without even getting involved in complex tasks (Fattah et al., 2017).
2.2 Provision of Information

This technology of gazillions of suggestions and informative resources while doing ambiguous tasks or making a complex decision and also helps while evaluating even simpler decisions. The companies have installed this technology to enable their decision-making skills to be used with even more efficacy.
2.3 Monitoring and Updates
Be it at homes, or even in large organizations with the help of this technology people can monitor and get the information relating to the work progress, causing convenience in their daily tasks. The technology enables people to get the updates about a certain activity, for example, if a company is running out of supplies, or if at home a particular thing is going finish soon then this technology can keep you updated by its programming (Hwang, Seo, Park, and Park, 2016).
2.4 Communication 物联网论文代写
The technology provides an interaction or communication between the devices also named as Machine to Machine communication. Due to this technological device can interconnect with each other and this maximizes the overall lucidity with great effectiveness and with fewer chances of any errors.
2.5 Advancement in Tasks
The most substantial advantage of this technology is that it has revolutionized the whole criteria for performing different tasks. It has improved the working horizon for various tasks reducing man labor and has provided them with ease in the tasks. It has reduced the overall working hours for people and every task is completed with great quality through the implementation of this technology (Kim, 2016).
2.6 Time Efficiency
The technology reduces the working hours without compromising the overall performance of the tasks. As technology is a prototype of artificial intelligence that works digitally it reduces saves the time duration while completing the tasks, while optimizing the process.
3. Accentuating Growth of Cybersecurity Issues relating to IoT Technology 物联网论文代写

IoT technology has undoubtedly improved various complex tasks and their executions and has cultivated several productive outcomes due to which the implementation of this technology has found to be increased. It has helped in optimizing the performance of tasks, enabled people to save time and increase efficiency while performing tasks, has increased innovation and productivity, and even has provided cost-efficient methods for the execution of processes. But as with its success factors, various security threats have been introduced in relevance to this technology. Various threats and risks have been reported by the users and technologists and the number of threats that are encountered by people using this technology is progressing day by day, making it not secure in its working mechanism.
As reported by the RFID journal they even implied this technology as an “A Doomsday Scenario Waiting to Unfold”. The major reason that serves this point is their inexpensiveness, as these devices are cheap, they propose various threats and also because investors don’t contribute enough funds to make this technology a little bit more secure. The devices are quite cheap in their overall manufacturing and retailing procedures and some analysts have even reported that by 2020 the expected devices to be installed throughout the globe adds up to a whopping number of 20 billion, with most of them being low budget expendable artifacts (Jalali, Kaiser, Siegel, and Madnick, 2017).
4. Ultimate Challenges and Security Threats Proposed by IOT Technology 物联网论文代写
There are a plethora of security issues and challenges being possessed by the IoT technology, which resultantly makes it a non-secure platform and also increases the problems and challenges for the users. Some of the most prominent security threats offered by the implementation of this technology are as follows.

4.1 Outmoded Software and Hardware
The usage of IoT technology has certainly increased and the developers of these devices and technologies are just busy in the production of more and more devices rather than paying heed on the update of the previous models. Hardware and Software of such devices become vulnerable to attack when the hacker finds even the slightest amount of bug or error he plans to attack. Due to lack of modifications and updates the IoT technology when being excessively used becomes quite outdated which proposes a serious security threat for the users.
4.2 Utilization of Feeble and Automatic Credentials
Most of the developers of this technology are providing the customers with the automatically set credentials such as user name, user id, and login password. This password and Id are initially weak and the hacker just needs to access these things to attack the IoT devices which is easy for them through the brute-force attacks making them unable to enter the programming of the devices without permission from the users. Some of the developers also don’t provide the directives relating to the process of modification, making the user unable to modify his device which also increases the security threat (Rose and Kass, 2017).
4.3 Difficulty in Analyzing if the IoT Appliance is Affected 物联网论文代写
As the usage of IoT devices is found to increase every day, with the increase in the devices the developers are unable to keep track of the existing devices and their operations. As an IoT appliance needs to have configuration, apps, programming and other updates for its successful execution sometimes it becomes quite hectic even for the developers to control and manage every single device, consequently, some of the devices operate without the supervision and the developer doesn’t have the idea whether the device has been hacked or is affected by any virus. Increasing serious security threats (Shackelford, 2018).
4.4 Protection of Data and Resources
In this era where everything is connected and people are excessively using digital and social platforms it becomes really difficult to keep the data with great security, as most of the devices nowadays are connected to the internet and in no time one can access other devices, there is an every prevailing threat of protecting data from unauthorized sources. The surveillance of data cannot be guaranteed through the usage of these devices which performs through the internet, as such devices can be hacked and after hacking, hackers can certainly leak all the data and then even utilize it for ill purposes causing extreme inconvenience for the users (Tschider, 2018).
4.5 Malware and Crypto ware

The IoT technology has enhanced the daily functioning of tasks and at the same time it has also increased the number of threats and security issues in its implementation. With the rapid popularity of IoT applications, it has made cyber-attacks arrangements uncertain. Many hackers have devised several techniques that enable them to access any information, data, program, and files easily, and with the installation of IoT devices a user may expect the hacking and it can also even unable the user to access his own devices and own data (Armenia et al., 2018).
An example can be drawn here, if a person is using IOT appliance such as a camera with IOT working mechanism that is used by him to record certain private and confidential activities in his office, in case of any hacker attacks on the device then he can even snatch the opportunity from the user to access his information and videos through that camera and can even wrongly access that information and use for his gains. Manipulation and exploitation of data and information is a serious threat which is undeniably the most negative challenge faced by the utilizers of IoT technology.
5. Impact of IoT Security Threats on various Industries 物联网论文代写
Several industries where the implementation of IoT devices have become excessively famous can face severe damage with the wrong execution of IoT appliances and such a device can even cause extreme catastrophic results in those industries.
5.1 Impact on Business and Marketing Sectors
IoT technology can contribute to a significant amount of threats and challenges in business sectors. With the excessive use of IoT devices that have a lack of modifications and updates and are installed without any configuration, then such devices can be hijacked by any hackers which can lead to the leakage of important data and information and such threats can cause serious damage to the business. If that data is transferred by the hacker to other competitors then the business owners can even loose their innovative ideas and leverage in the market.
5.2 Impact on Manufacturing Industries 物联网论文代写
The IoT applications can cause disastrous manufacturing problems in the production and industrial sectors. Though it is non-negotiable the ease that these devices are providing in the industrial sectors with the rapidness in the manufacturing tasks, excess of dependability on these devices for the manufacturing processes can tend to damage supplies and products. If any of the devices is hijacked or attacked by any virus then such devices might not be able to produce the desired results and this can cause inconvenience (Sorokin, Bondarchuk and Storchak, 2019).
5.3 Impact on Health Care Industries
Health care sectors are greatly facilitated by the artificial intelligence, robotics and IoT technology and huge-scale medical devices and appliances, but in case of a minor flaw in the manufacturing of these devices, or if they are infected with any virus and such devices can cause health hazards to human rounding up to deadliest results in health care sectors.
6. Prevention from IoT Security threats and Risks 物联网论文代写
To secure data and information from the access of hackers which is the main concern and limitations of the IoT technology implementation certain steps should be followed to increase the security of the systems. The whole IoT technology setup should be closely monitored by the developers and the users to increase the competency of the system and also to ensure security. All the appliances should be controlled and managed with great expertise. The passwords and the User ID should be distinct and the users should update them now and then to secure the system from the hackers and their access.
The IoT technology should be updated and modified according to the updates provided by the developers. The IoT devices should be configured with the latest programs and they should be used with a proper protective measure so that no virus could infect the system and this also increases the processing of the system making it more reliable.
The IoT devices are checked every once in a while, with antivirus software and programs that will detect and remove the virus making the system more competitive and secure for the users. Developers and users of IoT technology should always produce a new network for the connection of these devices so that their connection cannot be merged with other networks and thus decreasing the overall performance. So, to avoid that separate networks should be created for interconnecting separate IoT appliances (Aldaej, 2019). The developers should closely monitor the activities performed on the IoT technology and should also control the operation and should make sure that the IoT devices are not connected with the digital networks all the time, as this will enable the hackers to attack the system.
7. Conclusion 物联网论文代写
The technology has entirely transformed the working and execution of several tasks being performed by humans and have offered tremendous facilitations and advantages to people in every sector. The Internet of Things has enabled people to efficiently perform several tasks, with great performance, in a short duration. It has optimized the execution of several tasks. But with its several benefits comes the security threats and disadvantages that it proposes. The security threats and challenges that come from the excessive use of this technology can cause severe catastrophic results that can ruin the working of several industries making it not a reliable technology. To deal with these issues, several preventative measures should be taken to make the IoT technology more secure for the usage of people.
References 物联网论文代写
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Fattah, S., Sung, N., Ahn, I., Ryu, M. and Yun, J., 2017. Building IoT Services for Aging in Place Using Standard-Based IoT Platforms and Heterogeneous IoT Products. Sensors, 17(10), p.2311.
Hwang, S., Seo, J., Park, S. and Park, S., 2016. A Survey of the Self-Adaptive IoT Systems and a Compare and Analyze of IoT Using Self-Adaptive Concept. KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, 5(1), pp.17-26.
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Shackelford, S., 2018. Smart Factories, Dumb Policy?: Managing Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Risks in the Industrial Internet of Things. SSRN Electronic Journal,.
Sorokin, D., Bondarchuk, A. and Storchak, K., 2019. INDUSTRIAL NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE IoT & CYBERSECURITY IN USE IoT SOLUTIONS. Telecommunication and information technologies, (4), pp.120-127.
Tschider, C., 2018. Regulating the IoT: Discrimination, Privacy, and Cybersecurity in the Artificial Intelligence Age. SSRN Electronic Journal,.

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