微观经济学代写 MICROECONOMICS代写 exam代写
1195MICROECONOMICS 微观经济学代写 1. According to the theory of firm, which of the following statements is not correct? a. AC = unit cost considering all produced units READ CAREFULY AND FOLLOW ...
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机器人视觉代写 1. (a) Describe a pinhole camera. [3%] Describe the role of lenses in cameras. [3%] What is a chromatic aberration? What causes it? [2%]
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(a) Describe a pinhole camera. [3%]
(b) Describe the role of lenses in cameras. [3%]
(c) What is a chromatic aberration? What causes it? [2%]
(d) What is vignetting? What does it cause? [2%]
(a) Describe “kernel separability” and its importance for image filtering. [5%]
(b) For the kernel given below determine if it is separable. Justify your answer. [5%]
-1 -2 -1
2 4 2
3 6 3
(a) In pseudocode, describe the Hough transform for detecting circles with fixed radii. [7%]
(b) Demonstrate the algorithm on a pair of points A=(3,4) and B=(5,4) for the values of radii r=1 and r=2. Map the two points into the parametric space. What can we infer about the points A and B from the analysis of the parametric space? [8%]
(a) In pseudocode, describe RANSAC for a general case of searching for the best model in the set of data. [10%]
(b) Explain the role of RANSAC parameters. [5%]
(a) Describe the process of detecting interest points with a DoG (Difference of Gaussians) pyramid (as proposed by Lowe). [10%]
(b) How do we achieve in-image-plane rotational invariance of a SIFT descriptor? [5%]
(a) Given the sketch of a two-camera system (Ol, Or denote the left centre and the right centre of the cameras, respectively), and a 3D point P, draw and explain the terms epipols, epipolar plane, and epipolar lines that correspond to the point. [10%]
(b) A mobile robot is equipped with two cameras (assume a pinhole model). The optical axes of the cameras are parallel and lie on a horizontal plane. The baseline between the cameras is 12 cm. The disparity of a point T in space is 16 mm. When the robot moves 20 cm in the viewing direction, the disparity increases to 30 mm. Calculate the focal length. [10%]
(a) Describe the steps involved in object learning and recognition using PCA. [10%]
(b) Describe object learning and categorization using “bag of features”. [5%]
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MICROECONOMICS 微观经济学代写 1. According to the theory of firm, which of the following statements is not correct? a. AC = unit cost considering all produced units READ CAREFULY AND FOLLOW ...
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