生产和运营分析代写 IEOR 3402代写 运筹学代写 考试助攻
488IEOR 3402: Midterm Examination 1 (Spring 2021) 生产和运营分析代写 You are allowed to use the textbook. No other aid (e.g. calculator) allowed. Duration: 75 minutes. 8:40am EST till 9:55am EST....
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时间序列期中代写 You write this exam at home. Please submit via BrightSpace . Late submissions will not be accepted. It should be one, PDF file, which clearly
You write this exam at home. Please submit via BrightSpace . Late submissions will not be accepted. It should be one, PDF file, which clearly indicates your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME and SID. If possible, please write your answers in order, starting from Question 1, then Question 2 and so on. It will help me to mark your final exam as soon as possible. The exam is an open book. I am not monitoring you. However, I expect that you work on your own. I will contact few people at random to explain me their solutions of the final exam. Also, if I find a copy of this midterm exam on tutorial webpages, such as chegg.com, the entire final exam will be cancelled.
There are 6 questions.
Let E(X) = 2, V ar(X) = 9, E(Y ) = 0, V ar(Y ) = 4, and the correlation between X and Y is ρ = 0.25
Calculate :
(a) Var(X+Y)
(b) Cov(X, X+Y)
Find the mean function and the covariance function for each of the processes below. For each processes, determine if the process is stationary or not stationary.
(a) The time series {xt}, such that xt = θ+tet and {et} ∼ W N(0, σ2 ),
where θ is a constant.
(b) The process {Yt}, such that Yt = Xt−Xt−1 ,and Xt comes from part (a).
Consider a process {Xt} , such that
Xt + 0.4Xt−1 − 0.21Xt−2 = Zt − 0.09Zt−2.
{Zt} ∼ W N(0, σ2)
(a) Does this model have redundant parameter? if yes, reduce the model.
(b) Is the process stationary, causal, and invertible?
(c) Does this process have an ARMA(p , q) model? If , yes, give the values to p and q.
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IEOR 3402: Midterm Examination 1 (Spring 2021) 生产和运营分析代写 You are allowed to use the textbook. No other aid (e.g. calculator) allowed. Duration: 75 minutes. 8:40am EST till 9:55am EST....
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