数学积分代写 Integral Calculus代写 MATH代写 Exam代写
1058Integral Calculus - MATH 9B Final Exam 数学积分代写 Instructions: (1) You have 160 minutes to solve this exam. (2) Uploading to Gradescope will be at the end. You will have 15 minutes to...
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数学final代考 Directions: • Write your names and student number on the top right-hand corner of this page. • Open this booklet only when directed to do so.
• Write your names and student number on the top right-hand corner of this page.
• Open this booklet only when directed to do so.
• Check that you have all 7 pages including this one.
• Write all your answers in the space provided.
• You may use the backs of sheets for rough work, or if you need additional space for your answer.
• Each question is worth 16 points. (Total: 100 points)
• No cheating sheets may be used.
• This examination is two days (48 hours) in duration.
Determine whether the following statements true or false. Give reasons.
(a) Every bounded sequence in Rn has a convergent subsequence.
(b) The dual space of (Rn, ∥· ∥1) is (Rn, ∥· ∥1).
(c) In a Hilbert space, every bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence.
Suppose that the sequence (xn)n∈N in H satisfies
(a) There exists M > 0 such that for every n ∈ N, ∥ xn∥ ≤ M.
(b) For every y ∈ M, limn→∞ 〈xn, y〉exists.
(c) M is total in H.
Prove that for every y ∈ H, limn→∞ 〈xn, y〉 exists.
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Integral Calculus - MATH 9B Final Exam 数学积分代写 Instructions: (1) You have 160 minutes to solve this exam. (2) Uploading to Gradescope will be at the end. You will have 15 minutes to...
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