数学概率作业代写 数学概率代写 数学作业代写 概率作业代写
4864. Probability on finite sample spaces. 数学概率作业代写 1. Are the following events A, B ⊂ Ωroulette independent? Find P(A|B) and P(B|A) in each case. a) A = Red, B = Even, 1. Are the fol...
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数学代码代写 EXAM DURATION: 2 hours EXAM INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt ALL questions. The number in square brackets shows the maximum marks obtainable for that
EXAM INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt ALL questions.
The number in square brackets shows the maximum marks obtainable for that question or part-question.
Your answers should contain the full working required to justify your solutions.
Each page of your solution must have the page number, module code, and your student ID number at the top of the page. You must make sure all pages of your solutions are clearly legible.
a) Consider the DFA D1 given by ({q0, q1, q2}, {a, b}, δ1, q0, {q1}), where δ1 is
aq2 | b | |
q0 | q1 | q0 |
q1 | q2 | q1 |
q2 | q0 | q2 |
(i) Draw the diagram of D1. [2]
(iii) Prove that L(D1) is the set of words over the alphabet {a, b} that contain a number of as that is congruent to 1 modulo 3. [4]
(iv) Give a regular expression for L(D1). [2]
(b) Consider the regular expression R = a∗(aab + c2)∗ . Give the diagram of an NFA N such that L(N) = L(R). (You do not need to prove that N accepts the right language). [3]
(c) Let D2 = (Q, Σ, δ2, s0, T) be a DFA, and let a ∈ Σ. Assume that δ2(q, a) = q for all q ∈ Q. Prove that either {a}∗⊆ L(D2) or {a}∗∩ L(D2) = ∅. [2]
(a) Consider the language
L1 = {w ∈ {a, b}∗ : no initial subword of w has more as than bs}.
Design a PDA P such that L(P) = L1. (You do not need to prove that P accepts the right language). [3]
(i) Write down the configurations that can be reached by M on input ab, and on input abb. [3]
(ii) Does M halt on all input? Justify your answer. [4]
(b) For each of the following languages, say whether it is Turing decidable. Justify your answer in each case.
(i) L1 = {〈M〉 : M accepts at least two words}.
(ii) L2 = {〈M〉 : M’s read/write head never moves past the first 30 tape cells, for every input word w}. [4]
a) Show that if L1 and L2 are languages in NP then
L1L2 = {uv : u ∈ L1, v ∈ L2}
is in NP. [4]
(b) The language HugeClique is {〈G〉 : G is a finite graph with a clique of size at least |V (G)|/2}.
You may assume that graphs are encoded as in lectures, so that the length of the encoding is proportional to the square of the number of vertices.
(i) Draw an example of a graph with 4 vertices that is in HugeClique. [1]
(ii) Draw an example of a graph with 5 vertices and 5 edges that is not in HugeClique [1]
(iii) Prove that HugeClique is in NP. [2]
(iv) Fix an integer k. Construct a map f from the set of all finite graphs to the set of all finite graphs with at least 2k vertices such that 〈G, k〉∈Clique if and only if〈f(G)〉 ∈HugeClique. [2]
(v) Prove that Clique is polynomial-time reducible to HugeClique. [3]
(vi) Is HugeClique NP-complete? Justify your answer. [1]
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4. Probability on finite sample spaces. 数学概率作业代写 1. Are the following events A, B ⊂ Ωroulette independent? Find P(A|B) and P(B|A) in each case. a) A = Red, B = Even, 1. Are the fol...
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