图论代写 Graph Theory代写 Assignment代写
1059MT4514 Graph Theory Assignment 1 图论代写 This assignment forms 5% of the assessment for this module. The assignment will be marked out of 20 marks. Please answer all questions, This assi...
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微观经济学作业代写 1.There are only two goods in the economy X and Y. It is found that good X is inferior for all income ranges for Anna.
There are only two goods in the economy X and Y. It is found that good X is inferior for all income ranges for Anna. If the five axions of consumer choice hold (i.e. completeness, transitivity, convexity, local non satiation and continuity) prove that good Y must be normal throughout. [30%]
Consider the following expected utility or Bernoulli functions: (i)u=x (ii) u=x2-10 (iii) u=22x [20%] Which of these (or none) represent identical preferences over lotteries? Explain
2 players choose a number between 0 and 50. The winner is whoever’s number is closer to half the average of the two chosen numbers. The winner gets a payoff of z>0. If the two numbers are equally close, they each get z/2. Show that this game can be solved by the elimination of dominated strategies and find the solution. What happens when there are N players (each choosing a number between 0 and 50) and the winner is the person whose number is closest to half the average (in case of ties a fair coin decides the winner). When this game is played in the real world, what might be the reason(s) behind people choosing a number that differs from what game theory predicts? [50%]
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MT4514 Graph Theory Assignment 1 图论代写 This assignment forms 5% of the assessment for this module. The assignment will be marked out of 20 marks. Please answer all questions, This assi...
View detailsIndividual Assignment 企业财务管理代写 Test learning outcomes: LO1 Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of corporate financial theory with consideration of the capital market ...
View detailsMICROECONOMICS 微观经济学代写 1. According to the theory of firm, which of the following statements is not correct? a. AC = unit cost considering all produced units READ CAREFULY AND FOLLOW ...
View detailsAMAT 592 Assignment 2 MATLAB作业代写 This assignment is done by MATLAB. Put all your code together in one executable .m file and submit on Blackboard. • This assignment is done by MATLAB. ...
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