代写计量经济学课业 ECON7310代写 计量经济学作业代写
454ECON7310: Elements of Econometrics Research Project 3 代写计量经济学课业 Instruction Answer all questions following a similar format of the answers to your tutorial questions. When you use ...
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宏观经济理论与政策代写 Question 1. (2 points) Solow model in continuous time.Consider the Solow model in continuous time with production function y = f(k) satisfying
Consider the Solow model in continuous time with production function y = f(k) satisfying the usual properties, constant savings rate s, depreciation rate δ, productivity growth g and employment growth n.
(a) Use the implicit function theorem to show how an increase in s affects the steady state values k∗ , y∗ , c∗ . Does this change in s increase or decrease long run output and consumption per worker? Explain.
(c) Derive an exact solution for the time path k(t) of capital per effective worker.
(d) Calculate and plot the time paths of k(t), y(t), c(t) starting from the initial condition k(0) = k*/2. How long is the half-life of convergence?
(e) Now suppose that we are in steady state k(0) = k* when the savings rate suddenly increases to s = 0.22. Calculate and plot the time paths of k(t), y(t), c(t) in response to this change.
Explain both the short-run and long-run dynamics of k(t), y(t), c(t). What if instead the savings rate had increased to
s = 0.30? Do you think these are large or small effects on output? Explain.
(a) Let gY(t) and gK(t) denote the growth rates of output and the capital stock. Derive a formula for gY(t) in terms of gK(t).
(c) Does the economy necessarily converge to a balanced growth path? Explain.
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ECON7310: Elements of Econometrics Research Project 3 代写计量经济学课业 Instruction Answer all questions following a similar format of the answers to your tutorial questions. When you use ...
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