数据结构代写 Data Structures代写 binary tree代写
1120Assignment – 11 [ 100 Points ] CSC-220-06 Data Structures 数据结构代写 Assignment Goals Answer the following questions. Points applicable for each of the questions are mentioned along...
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图像处理代写 1 DoG (20 %) Use two Gaussian filters with suitable kernel sizes to to extract the license plate and remove most of the background for ”lp.jpg”. 1.1
Use two Gaussian filters with suitable kernel sizes to to extract the license plate and remove most of the background for ”lp.jpg”.
Apply canny operator on the image to extract the edges. Try to remove the noise by preprocess the image using a gaussian filter. Try to keep the license plate letters and numbers while removing other parts of the backgrounds by adjusting two thresholds in Canny operator.
Which of the previous methods do you think is more useful to remove the background when we do have information about the scale our object? Why?
Write a program that takes a template and an image. Then perform template matching using normalized cross correlation. Visualize heat map that shows the probability of having circle (using template ”circle.bmp”) in ”messi.jpg”. Where is the peak in the heat map and what does it show? You can use the edge of the image using Canny operator to get a better result.
Compare your function with ”matchTemplate” function in OpenCV. You should normalize the output matrix of ”matchTemplate”. Set the fourth argument of method ”matchTemplate” to ”CV TM CCOEFF NORMED”.
Propose a solution to find circles at different scales. Now implement your solution and find ”circle.bmp” on the resized ”messi.jpg” with scale factor ”2” to show your method works.
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Assignment – 11 [ 100 Points ] CSC-220-06 Data Structures 数据结构代写 Assignment Goals Answer the following questions. Points applicable for each of the questions are mentioned along...
View detailsI218 Computer ArchitectureReport 3 计算机体系结构cs代写 (1) In the textbook and lecture slides, detailed information in the pipeline registers (IF/ID, ID/EX, EX/MEM, MEM/WB) is not provided. ...
View detailsThe Problem Python语言设计代写 In this assignment you will write an interpreter in Python for a simplified PostScript-like language, concentrating on key computational In this assignment y...
View detailsCSCI-570 Analysis of Algorithms Practice Exam - 2 算法分析代写 True/False Problems 1. For every graph G and every maximum flow on G, there always exists an edge such that increasing the ...
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