国际贸易测试代写 国际贸易quiz代写 国际贸易考试代考
378Quiz 国际贸易测试代写 1. The idea that with frictionless trade all goods traded internationally will have the same equilibrium price no matter which currency they are 1. The idea that w...
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国际贸易期中代考 QUESTION 1. The Ricardian Model of Trade I. 50 POINTS. There are two countries, the United States of America (USA) and China (CHN).
There are two countries, the United States of America (USA) and China (CHN). Both countries can produce bikes (b) and computers (c), using production processes represented by yij = Aij lij, where y is the amount of the good produced, and l the amount of labor used. The subscript “i” represents the country, and “j” the industry. Assume that
Ausa,b = 1/2, Achn,b = 1, Ausa,c = 2, Achn,c = 3/2. Further assume that the total amount of labor in the USA and China are the same Lusa = Lchn = 10 (measured in hours).
Find the pattern of comparative advantages. Which country will export bikes? Which country will export computers? (10 pts)
b. Graph the Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) for the USA. Clearly label x-intercept, y-intercept, and slope. (10 pts)
c. First, assume that the USA is in autarky. If the equilibrium price were P0c/P0b, show, on the graph above, how many bikes and computers would be produced. Label those quantities q0b and q0c. Show in the same graph how many bikes and computers Americans would consume. Label those quantities d0b and d0c. Draw as many indifference curves as you need to. [You do not have to calculate any number; just show how the graph looks like qualitatively]. (10 pts)
d. Assume that the USA open up and export the good they are relatively best at producing (your answer to a). If the world equilibrium price were P1c/P1b, show on the graph how many bikes and computers the USA produce in the open equilibrium. Label those quantities q1b and q1c. (5 pts)
e. Show on the graph how many bikes and computers the USA consumes in the open equilibrium. Label those quantities d1b and d1c. Draw as many indifference curves as you need to. (5 pts)
f. Did welfare in the USA increase or decrease in the open equilibrium? In China? Why? (10 pts)
There are two countries, Home and Foreign, and two goods, pizza and beer. Assume that the equilibrium for Home is the one depicted in the figure below.
a. Show on the graph how much beer and pizza Home produces and consumes. Label those quantities, respectively, q1b, q1p, d1b and d1p. (5 pts)
b. Is Home an exporter or importer of pizza? What about Foreign? (5 pts)
c. Assume that Foreign gets better at producing beer. What happens with the terms of trade at Home (i.e. the price of exports over imports)? Do they increase or decrease? Show on the graph the new quantities produced and consumed by Home. Label them, respectively, q2b, q2p, d2b and d2p. (10 pts)
d. Does overall welfare increases or decreases at Home? (5 pts)
There are two countries, China and Belgium, two factors of production, land, , and labor,
, and two goods, cloth and wheat. The production functions, which are identical across countries, are:
Qc = L0.5cT0.5c
Qw = L0.2wT0.8w
Li is the amount of labor used in industry i, Ti is the amount of land used in industry and i Qi is the amount of good i produced. China has 1 billion people and 9,600,000 square kilometers of land. Belgium has 355 habitants per square kilometer.
a. Which good is land-intensive? Which good is labor-intensive? (10 pts.)
b. Under free trade, which country would export wheat? Which country would export cloth? (10 pts.)
c. When China moves from a closed economy to free trade, what happens to the incomes of landowners? What happens to the incomes of laborers? (10 pts.)
There are two countries, Switzerland and Japan. Both countries can produce watches and cars. Switzerland can produce one car in 2 hours, while Japan can produce one car in 5 hours. Japan can make one watch in 10 hours, while Switzerland can make one watch in 8 hours.
b. Which country has the comparative advantage in producing cars? (10 pts.)
c. If the countries are open to trade, who exports cars? Who exports watches? (5 pts.)
Given the following information:
Labor Requirements (units of labor needed to produce one unit of output)
Cloth Widgets
Home 200 400
Foreign 120 60
a. What is the opportunity cost of Cloth in terms of Widgets in Foreign? (10 pts)
b. If these two countries trade these two goods in the context of the Ricardian model of trade, what is the upper limit for the world equilibrium (relative) price of widgets? (10 pts)
Suppose that the marginal product of labor in “Machinery and Electronics” (M&E) for China evolves according to the following function: Z(t) = 3 + t. The current year 2019 corresponds to t = 0.
a. Calculate the marginal product of labor in “M&E” for China in 2019 and 2025. What’s the function Z(t) trying to capture? 4 points.
b. A process like the one captured by the function Z(t) forms the basis for the infant-industry protection argument. In that regard, describe briefly the context of the article we analyzed in class that showed a causal link between protection and the successful development of an industry. Describe the source of exogenous variation for the empirical strategy. Be precise. 10 points.
c. Describe TWO pieces of evidence that the article provides in order to establish that the temporary protection provided by the “shock” described in the article was effective. Be as precise as you can. 6 points.
a. Which good is land-intensive? Which good is labor-intensive? 5 points.
b. Under free trade, which country would export wheat? Which country would export computers? Show your calculations 10 points.
c. If the world price of computers decreases, what happens to the income of landowners in China? In Benelux? 10 points.
There are two countries: Thailand and the rest of the world. There are two goods needed for the production of footwear, soles and uppers. The graph below depicts the free-trade equilibrium for a typical firm operating in Thailand: the slope of the dashed line is the world relative price of soles and the solid line is the production possibility frontier in Thailand. The black curve (isoquant) indicates the combination of soles and uppers the firm needs to produce 1$ of the final output (footwear). Labor is the only factor of production.
a. Show on the graph how many Soles and Uppers firms in Thailand produce and “consume”. Label those quantities, respectively, q1s, q1u, d1s and d1u. 10 points.
b. Is Thailand an exporter or importer of Uppers? 3 points.
c. Assume that the world price of Uppers increases. What happens with the terms of trade in Thailand? Show on the graph the new quantities produced and consumed by Thailand. Label them, respectively, q2s, q2u, d2s and d2u (you need to plot a new isoquant). 7 points.
d. Does overall welfare increase or decrease in Thailand? Why? 5 points.
We read TWO articles that based their empirical strategy on a “natural experiment”. Pick ONE for answering the question (do not switch as you go!). BE CONCISE; UNRELATED STUFF WON’T GIVE YOU ANY POINT.
a. In what follows, I choose to analyze the article about …. 2 points.
b. What is the source of exogenous variation for the empirical strategy? 5 points.
c. Describe briefly the main elements of the empirical strategy in the paper (i.e. the elements that allow the author to make causal inference). 8 points.
d. Describe briefly the main result of the article and the implications for policy. 10 points.
The following figure is taken from Autor, Dorn, and Hanson (2016). The left panel shows the evolution of net exports (as a share of GDP), for China, for the manufacturing sector and for a primary goods sector (“Food, fuels, ores, and metals”). The right panel shows Revealed Comparative Advantage (in logs), for the same sectors, in China.
a. By 2010-12, how big were China’s net exports in each of the sectors in the figure (be precise)? 5 points.
b. Define Revealed Comparative Advantage. What does the right panel tell us about the pattern of comparative advantage for China during the last 20 years? 5 points.
c. According to the H-O model, if Mexico had a revealed comparative advantage in manufacturing, what would have happened to its terms of trade from the nineties on? What would have been the overall welfare effect in Mexico? If unskilled labor is used intensively in manufacturing, has it been experiencing gains or losses in China? In Mexico? 10 points.
The graph below depicts the autarky and free-trade equilibrium for the Home country: the slope of the dashed line represents the world relative price of computers and the solid line is the production possibility frontier. Labor is the only factor of production. The slope of the solid line is -2/3 while the slope of the dashed line in -1. Which statement is correct?
a. The opportunity cost of computers in terms of bikes is 2/3.
b. The opportunity cost of bikes in terms of computers is 2/3.
c. The opportunity cost of computers in terms of bikes is 1.
d. The opportunity cost of bikes in terms of computers is 1.
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