国际贸易quiz代考 quiz代考 国际收支平衡表代写 国际贸易代写
387Quiz_bop 国际贸易quiz代考 1. If investment exceeds national savings, then the current account: a. must be negative. b. must be zero. c. must be positive. 1. If investment e...
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国际贸易代写 Question 1 Discuss the economic cost and benefits for a country joining the EU (European Union). [10 marks] Question 2 Consider a model where
Discuss the economic cost and benefits for a country joining the EU (European Union). [10 marks]
Consider a model where the Hecksher-Ohlin assumptions apply. There are two countries, Home and Foreign, two factors of production, labour and capital, and two goods, labour-intensive socks (S) and capital-intensive cars (C). Home is capital-abundant and Foreign is labour-abundant. Draw the Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) for Foreign. You must have S on the horizontal axis and C on the vertical axis. On your diagram show how much of each good Foreign produces at the world prices that both countries face. Label this point (the production point) as PF. Then show the consumption point that Foreign will achieve by engaging in trade. Label this point as CF. Explain your diagram. [10 marks]
Consider a large country that imports good Z. Some of the total quantity of Z domestically consumed is supplied by domestic producers and the rest of it is imported. Then suppose that the government imposed a tariff on each unit of Z that is imported, so that the quantity of Z imported is somewhat reduced. Draw a demand and supply diagram that clearly, obviously, and unambiguously shows the tariff causing welfare to increase. Carefully explain your diagram. [10 marks]
Consider an import quota where the quota rent is not burnt up (dissipated) by rent seeking activity. Discuss why we would generally still consider an equivalent tariff to be a more desirable policy instrument. [10 marks]
Discuss why might some economists regard bilateral free trade agreements as not wholly desirable. [10 marks]
Discuss possible reasons for why there is a substantial amount of vertical integration in the international oil industry. Discuss why this integration may have negative implications for society, and why it may be costly to prohibit, or attempt to prohibit, such integration. [10 marks]
Consider the Bhopal mass-casualty disaster. First consider why the disaster could have still occurred even if the plant had been owned by an Indian firm. Then consider how foreign ownership could have influenced decisions on the level of maintenance expenditure. [10 marks]
Consider a green car initiative, that is government subsidising the production of cars that emit lower than usual levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. First, discuss the economic rationale for such an initiative. Then discuss why this initiative may turn out to be an ineffectual and costly mechanism for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. [10 marks]
Consider a small country called country A which imports good X from country C. Country C sells good X on the world market at a price of $1.10. However, country A has a tariff on imports of good X. Therefore, consumers in country A pay a price of $2 for good X. Now, suppose country A enters into a customs union with country B. This results in country A importing good X from country B at a price of $1.20. Use a demand and supply diagram to show the case where clearly and unambiguously entering into this customs union leaves country A better-off. Then provide a written explanation for your diagram. [10 marks]
Explain why market failure is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the infant industry argument to hold. [10 marks]
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Quiz_bop 国际贸易quiz代考 1. If investment exceeds national savings, then the current account: a. must be negative. b. must be zero. c. must be positive. 1. If investment e...
View detailsQuiz 国际贸易测试代写 1. The idea that with frictionless trade all goods traded internationally will have the same equilibrium price no matter which currency they are 1. The idea that w...
View detailsInternational Trade CAS EC 391 国际贸易期中代考 QUESTION 1. The Ricardian Model of Trade I. 50 POINTS. There are two countries, the United States of America (USA) and China (CHN). QUESTION...
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