国际商业计划书代写 International Entrepreneurship代写
Assignment 2
国际商业计划书代写 If you are resitting this assignment please take note of the feedback on your original submission and make the necessary improvements.
Programme Title | MSc Enterprise Management |
Module Title | International Entrepreneurship |
Module Code | 770 |
Assignment Title | International Business Plan |
Level | 7 |
Weighting | 70% |
Assignment Format | Digital Story |
Assignment Word Count | N/A |
Presentation Duration | 12 minutes |
Module Learning Outcomes covered in this assignment | ii. Synthesise and articulate a range of international enterprise considerations in a practical action plan. |
Submission Format (include ATS key for hard copy submission | e-Submission Individual |
ATS Code | N/A |
If you are resitting this assignment please take note of the feedback on your original submission and make the necessary improvements.
Assignment Task 1 – Digital Report 国际商业计划书代写
Following the assessment of opportunities and challenges facing the enterprise and the country considered in CW1, you are now required to synthesise and articulate the international considerations into an International Business Plan. The format should be a digital story.
Task A: Develop the Opportunity Assessment Plan (20%)
Task B: Conduct a Feasibility Analysis (45%)
Task C: Selection of Market Entry Mode and Development of the Marketing Strategy (35%)
Task Guidance 国际商业计划书代写
Marking criteria as follows.
Task A: Develop the Opportunity Assessment Plan (20%)
Opportunity Identification – effective analysis of the contributory factors to the opportunity identification, for example; observation of trends, sourcing gaps in the marketplace, economic forces, technological advances, political and regulatory changes

Task B – Conduct a Feasibility Analysis (45%)
A critical analysis of the feasibility study for an enterprise in your chosen International market focusing on:
Product/Service Feasibility – 10%
Industry / Target Market Feasibility – 10%
Organisational Feasibility – 10%
Financial Feasibility – 10%
Summary of overall feasibility – 5%
Task C – Justification of Market Entry Mode and development of the Marketing Strategy (35%)
A critical evaluation of the market entry mode for an enterprise in your chosen International market – 15%
Development of a viable Marketing Strategy – 20%
Your assignment submission should be presented in a digital story format with clear references and submitted online in CANVAS. For guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available through Canvas.
General Assignment Guidance 国际商业计划书代写
TEAMWORK AND ITS ASSESSMENT | Should this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will receive an individual grade based upon your performance as well as personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual grade and feedback will be determined. |
Importance of Word Counts and Presentation Timings | Assignment word counts and presentation timings should always be observed. Ignoring a word count increases significantly the risk of your work losing marks because it lacked structure, flow, focus and clarity. Timings must be observed for assessed presentations for the same reasons. |

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