半群理论代写 MT5863代写 半群理论定义和基本属性代写
485MT5863 Semigroup theory: Problem sheet 1 Definition and basic properties 半群理论代写 Let S be a semigroup, and let e, z, u ∈ S. Then: (i) e is a left identity if ex = x for all x ∈ S; (ii)...
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半群理论课业代写 Bicyclic monoid, ideals, Green’s relations Bicyclic monoid The bicyclic semigroup B is defined by the presentation 〈b, c | bc = 1〉
Bicyclic monoid, ideals, Green’s relations
The bicyclic semigroup B is defined by the presentation
〈b, c | bc = 1〉
and its elements are {ci bj : i, j ≥ 0}.
Prove that an element ci bj of B is an idempotent if and only if i = j. Prove that the set E of all idempotents is a subsemigroup which is not finitely generated. 半群理论课业代写
Consider the following two subsets of the bicyclic monoid B:
S1 = {c4i+5b4j+5 : i, j ≥ 0}
S2 = {c4i+7b4j+7 : i, j ≥ 0}.
Prove that both S1 and S2 are subsemigroups and that they are isomorphic to B. Prove that their union S = S1 ∪ S2 is also a subsemigroup. Prove that S is finitely generated.
Prove that the intersection of a non-empty left ideal and a non-empty right ideal of a semigroup is always non-empty. Show by way of an example that the intersection of two left ideals may be empty. (Hint: right zero semigroup.)
5-4. Prove that a rectangular band has no proper two-sided ideals. Does it have proper left or right ideals?
5-6. Let S be the semigroup defined by the presentation
〈a, b | a3 = a, b4 = b, ba = a2b〉.
The right Cayley graph of this semigroup was determined in Problem 4-5. Use the right Cayley graph to determine the R-classes of S. Draw the left Cayley graph and determine the L -classes of S.
5-7. Consider the bicyclic monoid B = {cibj : i, j ≥ 0} (bc = 1). Prove that ciRck if and only if i = k. Prove that cibjRci . Conclude that cibjRckbl if and only if i = k. State and prove an analogous criterion for two elements of B to be L -equivalent.
5-8. Prove that an idempotent is a left identity in its R-class. State and prove an analogous assertion about L -classes.
5-11.* If a semigroup S is defined by a finite presentation 〈A | R〉 with |A| > |R| then prove that S is infinite. (Hint: prove that there is a homomorphism from S onto a non-trivial subsemigroup of the additive semigroup Q.)
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MT5863 Semigroup theory: Problem sheet 1 Definition and basic properties 半群理论代写 Let S be a semigroup, and let e, z, u ∈ S. Then: (i) e is a left identity if ex = x for all x ∈ S; (ii)...
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