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医学essay代写 The research that I have selected to present in this assignment has been carried out by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
The research that I have selected to present in this assignment has been carried out by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The mission of this organization is to make healthcare and the services provided by healthcare institutions safer, with improved quality standards, and greater focus on patient experience, along with making them more affordable, accessible, and equitable. Their mission is to work within the department of Health and Human Services in the US, along with other organizations/ institutions having similar interests.
In July 2005, the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) was given a proposal for a partnership, to Implement Patient Safety grant which was received from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to fund the project. “Implementing a Program of Patient Safety in Small Rural Hospitals.” The primary aim of this project was to develop the organizational infrastructure for voluntarily reporting and analyzing medication errors in small rural hospitals (Jones, Skinner, Xu, Sun, Mueller, 2005).
Additionally, it must also be understood that in most of the rural areas, the level of healthcare services being provided are not up to the mark. And people need to be able to come forward and point out mistakes, drawbacks or loopholes within the system. If such a program was to be implemented along with specific patient safety practices, then it would help in building and developing a safety culture within the organization, thus improving the overall process. Where healthcare systems and organizations are concerned, continuous improvement is the key towards ensuring that optimal heath care solutions are provided.
The main target audience for this survey were eligible personnel from the Critical Access hospitals. Which are situated at key intervals and locations within the rural areas so that proper medical facilities can be provided to the needy. In the fall of 2005, a survey was conducted in 24 critical access hospitals with the objective of obtaining a baseline assessment of their cultures and the level of safety they provided and how willing and acceptable they were towards adapting and adopting a safety culture. Additionally, the aim was also to make people aware of what a safety culture actually is and how it could be implemented in their respective hospitals. After two years, during the spring of 2007, 21 of the previously selected critical access hospitals again participated in a reassessment which further identified the need for improvement areas and thus built an even stronger culture for safety.
Such people included those employees who were either in direct contact with the patients or dealt with patient related issues on a day to day basis. It also included those employees whose work was directly linked with patient care and affected it such as physicians, mid level service providers, nurses, managers, supervisor. And even administrative staff.
The questionnaire was created with the objective of identifying the areas in the critical access hospitals which required improvement, in particular the areas related to the errors made while administering medicine. I think that apart from the questionnaire, one on one interview sessions should have also been conducted. As it would have yielded better insights, however, developing a base through the data that was gathered by these questionnaires, was not a bad decision either.
The type of questions that were selected and presented for the employees to answer were all quantifiable as they were based on a scale. This analyzing the answers and coming to a conclusion was easier as compared to a qualitative study. Additionally, the only drawback that I see in this method is that each survey was mailed to the employees of the participating critical access hospitals. Collecting every form that was sent out and then organizing that data, while at the same time, updating that data in a format that can be easily understood and analyzed. This would have taken a long time, and thus the presentation of the results would have been delayed.
There are many places which are not even aware of what a culture of safety entails and how it can be introduced and implemented within organizations.it will also help in identifying the issues being faced by many of the critical access hospitals.
The expected results of the survey were supposed to indicate how effectively the organizations are working, whether there are any similarities between the organizations. If similar problems are being faced across the 21 different critical access hospitals, and what are the sentiments of the people who are working at these institutions regarding culture of safety. The results of the survey are also expected to increase awareness of safety culture within healthcare organizations, while improving the perception of healthcare safety culture.
In my opinion, while the survey was designed to incite a specific response. There is much that can be done to improve it. For example, holding a one on one interview session to come up with insights will yield a better understanding of the process. And the problems being faced by the employees of these institutes. No study should only be based on a survey alone, instead it should be complemented using other research tools as well, so as to reach to the bottom of the issues. Focus group and observation should be used to supplement the study and further enhance the results by identifying insights that will be useful for improving the overall processes. Therefore, in my opinion, the questionnaire, needs to be supplemented using other research methods as well, that actually make sense of the findings and support them.
To conclude, I would just like to state that the study chosen for this assignment, was based on improving the reporting standards of the hospitals. And how through proper reporting a culture of safety could be developed. It is very important to note that a research of this scale can take a long time to be completed and it then determines the future course of action for the institutions in order to improve their overall understanding of the process.
Additionally, it must be noted that while the questionnaire was indeed effective in gathering the data required to assess the performance of the health care institutes. It was also a very lengthy process as the survey was actually mailed to the employees of the participating critical access hospitals, which further lengthened the process. The results of the survey indicated that the changes were detected in safety culture over a period of time when managers made any changes to the processes or implemented a change strategy for the betterment of the organization. However, when these strategies supported the four informed components of a safety culture then the organization was perceived to be supportive of a safety culture. The execution and evaluation of organizational practices led to changes in respondents’ beliefs about safety culture. (Jones, Skinner, Xu, Sun, Mueller, 2005)
Therefore, hospitals, need to look at the different ways in which they can implement a change culture, so that a system of proper reporting can be implemented. Which is focused on transparency and integrity in order to keep the patients as well as other stakeholders happy.
Katherine J. Jones, Anne Skinner, Liyan Xu, Junfeng Sun, Keith Mueller, The AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: A Tool to Plan and Evaluate Patient Safety Programs, retrieved 27-2-18 from;
Mission and Budget, AHRQ, retrieved 27-2-18 from;
Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2016 User Comparative Database Report, retrieved 27-2-18 from;
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