加拿大商业法代写 COM 402代写 法律考试代写 Business Law代写
COM 402 – 01 Sample Exam
加拿大商业法代写 Examination writing suggestions: 1. Note the recommended time for answering a question. Be careful not to spend too much time on one part of
Examination writing suggestions:
1. Note the recommended time for answering a question. Be careful not to spend too much time on one part of an examination and too little on another.
2. Always look for the question to be answered. Be sure to answer only the question which is asked – give an answer which is responsive and specific to the question which is asked.
3. For multiple choice questions – read the instructions carefully so that you circle the correct choice.
4. Be sure to answer every question so that you can be awarded part marks even if you do not finish answering the whole question.
Multiple Choice and True or False Questions – (suggested time 10 minutes) 加拿大商业法代写
Circle the letter which best completes the following statement.
The Federal Government has introduced new legislation in Parliament concerning telephone companies.
a. Proposed legislation is called a “bill”
b. Proposed legislation must pass a vote in the House of Commons three times and three times in the Senate and then it will become law
c. Once proposed legislation has been passed in Parliament, it must be given the Royal Assent and proclaimed
d. Once proposed legislation has been passed in Parliament it can be amended by another statute
e. All of the above are true
2. 加拿大商业法代写
Circle the letter which is the best answer to the following statement.
The Government of British Columbia has introduced a bill into the Legislative Assembly to assist in proving damages against manufacturers of tobacco products. Once the bill has passed third reading, the next step will be
a. to send the bill to the relevant committee for clause-by-clause study
b. to give the bill Royal Assent by the Lieutenant-Governor
c. for the members of the Legislative Assembly to debate the bill in principle
d. to send the bill to the Senate for approval
e. to amend the bill and prepare it for final reading
Circle the letter which is the best answer to the following statement.
Antonella is suing Barbara for failing to pay her for goods she bought. It will be up to Antonella to prove her case
a. on a balance of probabilities
b. to a moral certainty
c. beyond a reasonable doubt
d. on a preponderance of the evidence
e. a and b
4. 加拿大商业法代写
Able entered a small restaurant and sat on a stool at the lunch counter. Baker entered the restaurant a few moments later and sat down at the lunch counter next to Able. For no apparent reason, Able suddenly struck Baker on the side of the head with his fist, knocking Baker to the floor. Baker raised himself from the floor, then seized Able, and tossed him through the large glass window at the front of the restaurant. Able was seriously injured and sent to hospital.
Indicate whether the following statements are True or False:
T F Able has committed the tort of assault on Baker
Indicate in the space below whether or not Baker can use the defence of “self-defence” to avoid tort liability for the injuries suffered by Able when Baker tossed Able through the window.

Ms White, an opera singer, consulted Dr. Brown, who is a throat expert, about growths in her throat. Dr. Brown recommended a surgical operation. When Ms White asked if the surgery could affect her opera singing, Dr. Brown said he would not recommend surgery if there was any risk to her. In fact, there was a risk of one in one thousand (1 / 1,000) that she might never sing again. Dr. Brown did not tell Ms White about this because she might over-react and leave the growths in her throat leading to more serious problems later. Dr. Brown performed the surgery without any negligence.
What claim, if any, does Ms White have against Dr. Brown ?
6. 加拿大商业法代写
Zelda was enraged when another driver cut her off (failed to yield the right of way), so she deliberately rammed his car.
Indicate whether the following statement is True or False:
T F Zelda has not committed a tort, but she may have committed a crime.
7. Circle the letter beside each true statement.
While driving, Charles’ car hit the rear of Francine’s car which was stopped at a traffic light.
a. Charles may be charged by the police with an offence against traffic laws
b. Francine can sue Charles in tort for the damage done to her car
c. Francine cannot sue Charles in tort if he is found not guilty of the police charge
d. a and c
e. a or b, but not both
Question 1 – (suggested time 15 minutes – use answer booklet to write answer) 加拿大商业法代写
Camilla lives in Victoria and has a very attractive garden. Camilla does not want unwelcome or uninvited visitors and she has posted signs at each entrance to her property which say “No Trespassing – Keep Out”.
Unfortunately, the neighbourhood dogs cannot read these signs. The dogs visit Camilla’s garden and dig up her plants in pursuit of buried bones. Camilla approached David because he sells a device which will keep dogs out of gardens.
David sells a device called the “invisible perimeter”. The invisible perimeter is an electric fence which is buried under the ground. When dogs approach the buried fence, it gives them an electric shock and they run away. The fence cannot be seen because it is under the ground.
David has assured Camilla that the fence is harmless to humans. Camilla tested the fence herself by walking over it and she felt no electric shock.
Edward is 78 years of age and takes, Francine, his 3 year-old grandchild, for a walk past Camilla’s house every day. Edward is aware of the “No Trespassing” signs and he never goes into Camilla’s garden.
While walking today, Francine saw a dog in Camilla’s garden and she ran towards the garden to play with it. When Francine crossed the buried fence, Edward saw her drop to the ground and cry out in obvious pain. Edward ran to help her. When Edward reached her, his “pacemaker”, which controls his heart, malfunctioned and Edward had a heart attack.
Edward and Francine are in the hospital under treatment.
Edward’s son Graham wants you to answer the following questions giving an explanation of the applicable law:
1. Does Edward or Francine (or both of them) have a legal claim the law will enforce against Camilla ?
2. Does Camilla have a legal claim the law will enforce against Edward or Francine ?
3. What remedies can the court grant in a case like this ?

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