666如何快速写论文?文史类有哪些方法? 如何快速写论文 文史类的留学生都是在快交论文的时候才开始写论文,因为她们的论文需要做的调查比较少,大多数都是从数据库中找答案即可,而文史类的留学生如何快速写论...
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公共政策过程代写 Summative assessment-policy case study/extended essay: There are many theories of the policy process (see Hill 2013, Hill and Varone 2016;
There are many theories of the policy process (see Hill 2013, Hill and Varone 2016; Dryzek and Dunleavy 2009), that typically focus on how power is exercised by different actors to reach policy decisions. One of the most famous theoretical arguments is described by Steven Lukes’ Power: A Radical View. Originally published in 1974, and re-published in 2005, this book shows how political power can be understood through three ‘dimensions’ or ‘faces’. In the first dimension, a pluralist view of power shows that multiple actors compete with each other to realize their policy preferences. The second dimension however shows that power can be used by insider groups to influence decision-making and also ensuring that certain issues are never addressed: so-called non-decision making. Finally, Lukes describes how power can be structured into the political system to shape political preferences in favour of elite groups.
A suggested structure for the assignment is:
· An introduction – providing some context to the case study and specifying the research question;
· Theoretical overview – providing an outline of Lukes’ dimensions of power and their key concepts/arguments;
· An empirical section – providing a historical account of the main events in the case;
· An analytical section – applying the specific dimension of power to the case to analyse how well it explains them;
· Conclusions – on the extent to which the specific dimension of power can provide an explanation;
· Bibliography – listing all the references used in the study.
The study should be no more than 3000 words in length, excluding references.
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如何快速写论文?文史类有哪些方法? 如何快速写论文 文史类的留学生都是在快交论文的时候才开始写论文,因为她们的论文需要做的调查比较少,大多数都是从数据库中找答案即可,而文史类的留学生如何快速写论...
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