经济历史代写 EH237代写 经济历史论文代写 essay代写
727EH237: Independent Project 经济历史代写 This assignment is part of your final assessment and accounts for 60 percent of your final grade in EH237: 10 percent for the project proposal and 50 ...
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信息技术essay代写 Software such as ERP, HRM, CRM, Tally, Salesforce, Web services, (google and familiarize yourself with those terms) etc. are used to generate
Adopted from: http://www.etechgs.com/blog/post/Business-Intelligence-Helps-in-Strategic-Decision-Making.aspx#sthash.wBxPpVgj.bNqwVMvL.dpuf
Software such as ERP, HRM, CRM, Tally, Salesforce, Web services, (google and familiarize yourself with those terms) etc. are used to generate massive data for business organizations. There are different kinds of databases too — right from MySQL, Oracle, DB2, Ingres, Postgres, MongoDB, and the list goes on (you do not need to know about those databases). Data is being generated at a pace like never before, data which includes personal financial data, sales data, business data, accounting data and so on. Although there are different software, databases, etc. we still don’t have the right kind of insights. We have data but we don’t have information or knowledge.
Decision makers often wish to have a centralized place where one can log in and get a top-level view of what is happening to organization. One wants the place that can have all the information collated from as many places as possible. For any business to turn profitable, the managers & the work force is highly reliant on decisions — which in turn are dependent on the kind of information available. This is where Business Intelligence comes into the picture.
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EH237: Independent Project 经济历史代写 This assignment is part of your final assessment and accounts for 60 percent of your final grade in EH237: 10 percent for the project proposal and 50 ...
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