经济问题集代做 Economics 426代写 经济学作业代写代做
1151Economics 426: Problem Set 1 – Robinson Crusoe 经济问题集代做 I. Robin Crusoe is endowed with 112 labor-hours per week. There is a production function for the output of oysters Spring...
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代考管理经济学 1. Explain the differences among the frictional, structural, and cyclical forms of unemployment. 2.Describe the three basic types of personal
Explain the differences among the frictional, structural, and cyclical forms of unemployment.
Describe the three basic types of personal consumption expenditures.
The three major indicators of the health and development of an economy include: real GDP, unemployment, and inflation. All other things equal, would an economy prefer these numbers to be increasing or decreasing? Why?
Explain the difference between money markets and capital markets. Give two examples of the securities traded in each.
The following is a list of figures for a given year in billions of dollars. Using this data, compute: (a) GDP; (b) NDP; (c) NI; (d) PI; (e) DI; (f) Net exports.
Answer the next four questions based on the following data using year 1 as the base year. All dollars are in billions.
(a) Find real income in year 4.
(b) What was the percentage rise in prices between years 1 and 3?
(c) What was the percentage rise in prices between years 2 and 4?
(d) What was the increase in real income from year 3 to year 4 in percentage?
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Economics 426: Problem Set 1 – Robinson Crusoe 经济问题集代做 I. Robin Crusoe is endowed with 112 labor-hours per week. There is a production function for the output of oysters Spring...
View detailsEconomics 426: Problem Set 6 – Convexity and Separation 代写经济学问题集 I. Suppose F(x, y) := x1/2 y1/2 and g(x, y) = x2 + y2 . A. Draw A := {(x, y)|g(x, y) ≤ 1} and B := {(x, y)|F(x, y)...
View detailsEconomics 426: Problem Set 8 – Production 经济学生产问题代写 I. Show that if A and B are closed subsets of Rn , then A+B is closed or provide a counter example. (20 pts) II. Show that if A and...
View detailsECON 3H03 – INTERNATIONAL MONETARY ECONOMICS MIDTERM EXAM 2 国际货币经济学代写 This midterm is individual and closed-book. For the multiple choice questions, choose the option that best answ...
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