中级宏观经济理论代写 Econ 105B代写 经济学作业代写
1053Econ 105B Handout/Homework 2 中级宏观经济理论代写 1. An economy has two firms. Households own all of the labor services and all of the capital, which they rent out to the firms. 1...
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代写计量经济学课业 Instruction Answer all questions following a similar format of the answers to your tutorial questions. When you use R to conduct empirical
Answer all questions following a similar format of the answers to your tutorial questions. When you use R to conduct empirical analysis, you should show your R script(s) and outputs (e.g., screenshots for commands, tables, and figures, etc.). You will lose 2 points whenever you fail to provide R commands and outputs. When you are asked to explain or discuss something, your response should be brief and compact. To facilitate tutors’ grading work, please clearly label all your answers.
You should upload your research report (in PDF or Word format) via the “Turnitin” submission link (in the “Research Project 3” folder under “Assessment”) by 12:00 PM on the due date October 25, 2021. Do not hand in a hard copy. You are allowed to work on this assignment in groups; that is, you can discuss how to answer these questions with your group members. However, this is not a group assignment, which means that you must answer all the questions in your own words and submit your report separately. The marking system will check the similarity, and UQ’s student integrity and misconduct policies on plagiarism apply.
To examine the quantity theory of money, Brumm (2005)1 specifies the inflation equation
inflat = β0 + β1money + β2output + u, (1)
where inflat is the growth rate of the general price level, money is the growth rate of the money supply, and output is the growth rate of national output. Economic theory suggests that β1 = 1 and β2 = −1. The dataset brumm.csv consists of 1995 data on 76 countries.
1 Brumm, Harold J. “Money growth, output growth, and inflation: A reexamination of the modern quantity theory’s Linchpin Prediction.” Southern Economic Journal (2005): 661-667.
It is argued that output may be endogenous. Four instrumental variables are proposed, initial = initial level of real GDP, school = a measure of the population’s educational attainment, inv = average investment share of GDP, and poprate = average population growth rate.
(a) Give an intuitive explanation as to why output can be endogenous (4 points).
(b) Explain why the proposed instrumental variables (IV) can be valid (8 points).
Obtain OLS estimates of the inflation equation (1) and report regression results (3 points).2 Test the economic theory using the OLS estimates (2 points). Hint: Use the lm() function.
2 For simplicity, assume the error u in model (1) is homoskedastic.
(a) Using school as an IV for output, obtain TSLS estimates of the inflation equation (1) and report regression results (3 points). Test the economic theory using the IV estimates (2 points). Is school a weak IV (1 point)? Why or why not (2 points)? Are coefficients of model (1) exactly identified, overidentified, or underidentified (2 points)? Is it possible to test the exogeneity of school as an IV (1 point)? Explain your answer (2 points). Hint: Read Section 12.3 of SW textbook.
(b) Using school and poprate as IVs, obtain TSLS estimates of the inflation equation (1) and report regression results (3 points). Test the economic theory using the IV estimates (2 points). Are coefficients of model (1) exactly identified, overidentified, or underidentified (2 points)? Does this TSLS regression suffer from weak IV problem
(1 point)? Why or why not (2 points)? Test the exogeneity of school and poprate as an IV (2 points). Hint: Use the summary() function with option diagnostics = TRUE.
(c) Using all the four IVs, obtain TSLS estimates of the inflation equation (1) and report regression results (3 points). Write out the regression equation for the first stage least square estimation (3 points). Test the economic theory using the IV estimates (2 points). Does this TSLS regression suffer from weak IV problem (1 point)? Explain
your answer (2 points)? Test the exogeneity of these four IVs (2 points).
Use the data in CONSUMP.csv to answer the questions below.
One version of the permanent income hypothesis (PIH) of consumption is that the growth in consumption is unpredictable. Let gct = log(ct) − log(ct−1) be the growth in real per capita consumption (of non-durable goods and services). Then the PIH implies that E[gct|It−1] = E[gct], where It−1 denotes information known at time t − 1 (e.g., gc1 , …, gct−1 ); in this case, t denotes a year.
(b) (8 points) Test the PIH by estimating gct = β0 + β1gct−1 + ut(2 points).3 Clearly state the null and alternative hypotheses (4 points). What do you conclude (2 points)?
3 You do not need to compute robust standard errors for any time series regressions in this question.
(c) (7 points) Estimate AR(p) models for p = 1, …, 5 and report regression results (5 points). What lag length is chosen by the BIC (1 point)? What lag length is chosen by the AIC (1 point)?
(d) (12 points) Add variables gyt−1 , i3t−1, and inft−1 to the AR model you chose in (c) by BIC. Report the new regression results (4 points). Are these new variables individually or jointly significant at the 5% level (8 points)?
(e) (6 points) For the regression in (d), what happens to the p-value for the t-statistic on gct−1 (2 points)? Does this mean the PIH hypothesis is now supported by the data (1 point)? Explain your answer (3 points).
(f) (7 points) For the regression in (d), what is the F-statistic and its associated p-value for joint significance of the four explanatory variables (3 points)? Does your conclusion about the PIH now agree with what you found in (b) (1 point)? Explain your answer (3 points).
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