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883Assignment 4 COMP 250 Java作业代写 General instructions Search for the keyword updated to find any places where the PDF has been updated.We will provide you with some examples Gen...
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代做大数据编程 We have completed three tasks in class, 1. Set up a 3-node cluster with Hadoop Distributed File System and run examples. 2. On top of HDFS,
We have completed three tasks in class,
1. Set up a 3-node cluster with Hadoop Distributed File System and run examples.
2. On top of HDFS, set up the cluster with MapReduce programming framework.
3. Run examples of MapReduce programs.
Based on our examples, we will develop our own MapReduce program to analysis a simple log file. The following figure shows the structure of the log file.
Each line is a record of visit, which consists of IP Address, Time, Type of HTTP Request, Requested File, HTTP Version and Status, etc.
We have provided two examples that related to this lab.
• logstat: It counts the number of visits for each IP address in the log file.
• logstat2: It counts the number of visits for each IP address in the same hour.
As discussed in the lectures, MapReduce programming framework seperates the data and operation (two stages). It uses Hadoop Stream, which represents by sys.stdin in Python and Writable, Text in Java.
In the Reduce phase, we start counting the records based on the same IP addresses. After that, we can sort the result and print it out. As Fig. 5 and 6 present, the Map Phase for logstat2 is different than the previous version since we need to consider the time. Since we have processed data at Map Phase, the intermediate data of Map is already at the granularity of a hour. Therefore, the Reduce Phase is the same as logstat.
The given programs of logstat and logstat2 were written in both JAVA and Python.
Lab 1 consists of the following two parts.
1. Output the top-3 IP addresses with the granularity of an hour
• You should read the two examples.
• Develop your code based on examples. The program may take more than one round of MapReduce.
2. Make your program like a database search
• Your program should be able to accept parameters from users, such as 0-1, which means from time 00:00 to 01:00, and output the top-3 IP addresses in the given time period.
• Run it along with three other examples, WordCount, Sort, Grep, at the same time, and test fair and capacity schedulers.
You should complete the lab in groups of 4 students.
(80%) Part 1;
(15%) Part 2;
(5%) Report about the your design and experiments, please include screenshots for running your code on the cloud;
You should email your submission (one per a group) by the end of Oct. 16.
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Assignment 4 COMP 250 Java作业代写 General instructions Search for the keyword updated to find any places where the PDF has been updated.We will provide you with some examples Gen...
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