经济历史代写 EH237代写 经济历史论文代写 essay代写
727EH237: Independent Project 经济历史代写 This assignment is part of your final assessment and accounts for 60 percent of your final grade in EH237: 10 percent for the project proposal and 50 ...
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人力资源作业代写 Unit 16 – Human Resource Management in Business Human resource management is a dynamic activity which takes place against a changing economic,
teria | To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: | Task | Task deadline |
P1 | Describe the internal and external factors to consider when planning the human resource requirements of an organisation | 1 | 15/09/20 |
P2 | Describe how the skills that employees require to carry out jobs in an organisation are identified | 1 | 15/09/20 |
P3 | Outline how an organisation motivates its employees | 2 | 21/09/20 |
P4 | Explain how organisations obtains the cooperation of their employees | 3 | 24/09/20 |
P5 | Explain how employee performance is measured and managed | 4 | 02/10/20 |
M1 | Explain why human resource planning is important to an organisation | 1 | 15/09/20 |
M2 | Compare the use of motivation theories in an organisation | 2 | 21/09/20 |
M3 | Explain how the results from measuring and managing performance inform employee development | 4 | 02/10/20 |
D1 | Suggest, with justification, ways of improving motivation in an organisational setting. | 2 | 21/09/20 |
D2 | Assess the importance of measuring and managing employee performance at work | 4 | 02/10/20 |
Please ensure that you are referring to all instructions to complete tasks in this unit.
All work must be submitted by task deadline dates as indicated above
Human resource management is a dynamic activity which takes place against a changing economic, technical, legal and social background. Effective human resource management means getting the best out of the people who work for an organisation in order to ensure the organisation fulfils its purposes. After all, labour is an expensive and valuable resource, so effective planning is essential.
Situation: You are a trainee human resources manager at Tops Biscuits Ltd, Oxford.
You have been asked to write a series of 3 short articles about Tops Biscuits Ltd for Personnel Today Magazine.
Planning the human resources requirements of Tops Biscuits Ltd – 2 pages
Tops Biscuits Ltd is planning a huge expansion in capacity to include preparations to meet the Waitrose order as well as to open the 3 new shops abroad. Describe the internal and external factors that Tops Biscuits need to consider when planning its human resource requirements.
You should cover briefly:
– Organisational needs (e.g. demand for products & services, new products & services, new markets, technological change, location of production)
– Skills requirements
– Workforce profiles (age, gender, ethnicity, ability)
– supply of labour (international, national, regional, local, long term and short term trends)
– labour costs
– workforce skills
– government policy
– labour market competition
– changing nature of work
– employee expectations (e.g. full time, part time, permanent, temporary, casual work)
– impact of automation
– demand for products and services
P1 | Describe the internal and external factors to consider when planning the human resource requirements of an organisation |
Describe how the skills that employees require to carry out jobs in an organisation are organised – 1 page
Because of the new order for Waitrose and the opening of 3 shops in Europe, Tops Biscuits may require staff with different skills.
Write a short article on how Tops Biscuits might identify the skills that employees will require to carry out the existing and new jobs in the organisation?
Your article should include:
– people as an organisational resource
– skills sets (e.g. specific skills for a job, or general skills)
– skills acquisition (ie how to gain skills)
– skills audit (ie what are they and how does a company use them)
– transferable skills (ie skills you can use in different jobs)
– impact of technology
Remember: – the focus is on how Tops Biscuits can identify the skills that employees need to carry out their jobs.
P2 | Describe how the skills that employees require to carry out jobs in an organisation are identified |
Explain why human resource planning is important to an organisation – at least 1 page
– Explain why an organisation (like Tops Biscuits) needs to ensure that it has employees with the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to fulfil its purposes
– What might happen to an organisation (like Tops Biscuits) if it doesn’t have the right skills, knowledge and abilities?
– Detailed conclusion about why Human Resource planning is important to Tops Biscuits.
M1 | Explain why human resource planning is important to an organisation |
Tops Biscuits has been struggling with problems with its staff, including high labour turnover and poor productivity.
Your manager has asked you to investigate these problems and propose some solutions in a 3 part report.
Briefly describe the different reward systems
In more detail explain which reward systems Tops Biscuits already use to motivate its workers
P3 | Outline how an organisation motivates its employees |
Your manager thinks that motivation theories might help.
I. Briefly describe each of the following motivation theories: Taylor, Mayo, Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor, McClelland and Vroom.
II. Compare their use in practical terms to a firm like Tops Biscuits (e.g. the wage earned by a crew member at McDonalds is motivating in itself because it offers a reasonably well paid hourly rate for a 16 year old 人力资源作业代写
(Taylor’s theory and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). Being part of a crew recognises a person’s social need to belong to a group (Maslow and Mayo). Managing a branch is not particularly well paid but has associated status (Maslow).)
M2 | Compare the use of motivation theories in an organisation |
Choose at least 3 of the methods from P3 which you think Tops Biscuits should introduce to improve their workers’ motivation.
Justify your choices. Link each of your suggested methods to one or more motivational theorists.
Note: you might want to suggest different methods for different categories of workers.
D1 | Suggest, with justification, ways of improving motivation in an organisational setting. |
The senior management of Tops Biscuits wish to ensure that all employees know their entitlements and in turn what the business expects from its workers. In addition Tops Biscuits would like to encourage more employee involvement in the operations activities and decision making in the firm.
Your manager has asked you to produce a leaflet (using publisher):
a) Briefly explain 5 contractual and employee rights.
b) Explain their significance.
c) How do they encourage employee commitment to Tops Biscuits?
d) Explain two employer rights that Tops Biscuits can expect from its staff
e) Very briefly describe a typical disciplinary and a grievance procedure
f) Briefly explain how they encourage employee commitment to Tops Biscuits
g) There are many techniques to get employees more involved in the business. Briefly describe two ways in which Tops Biscuits could increase employee involvement and why those techniques would be suitable for Tops Biscuits (e.g. work groups, suggestion schemes, devolved authority, open communication).
P4 | Explain how organisations obtains the cooperation of their employees |
The senior management team at Tops Biscuits want to ensure they are achieving maximum contributions from each employee at work. Therefore your manager has asked you to produce a briefing paper on employee performance.
Explain the techniques and tools which Tops Biscuits managers can use to measure and manage the performance of their workers in different areas of the business.
P5 | Explain how employee performance is measured and managed |
David Smart, HR manager at Tops Biscuits, has been reviewing the previous targets set for employees. Explain what tools he might use to develop employees who:
1. Have met their target set for the last year
2. Have underperformed on their target for the previous 2 years.
M3 | Explain how the results from measuring and managing performance inform employee development |
Tops Biscuits are entering a period of expansion and possible risk. By expanding further on the information in P5 and M3 analyse why it is important for the Senior Management team at Tops Biscuits to measure and manage employee performance.
7BTEC Level 3Unit 16
(analyse = identify the main factors involved, consider the relative importance of these factors in context)
D2 | Assess the importance of measuring and managing employee performance at work |
The firm’s business is manufacturing and retailing handmade and mass produced luxury gluten free biscuits. Its main factory is on the King Industrial Estate in Oxford, where it makes both the handmade biscuits and the mass produced biscuits. It has 3 retail shops in Oxford, Wallingford and Bicester to sell its biscuits and also supplies handmade biscuits to some well-known expensive shops. The firm currently employs 90 people (60 full time and 30 part time). 75 workers are employed in the factory and 15 workers are employed in the 3 shops, including one Retail Area Manager for the shops.
The firm’s customers (other than internal customers, i.e. their own shops) include well-known names such as Harrods and Fortnum & Mason. However the firm are currently in negotiations with Waitrose to produce a cheaper product under the Waitrose own brand range. This order would mean a huge expansion in capacity and a large amount of finance would be needed to expand the business.
The firm currently has an annual turnover of £90m (April 2017-April 2018) with a net profit of £10m. If the arrangement with Waitrose is successful, turnover would soon expect to more than double as the new order is worth £45m pa. In addition, Tops Biscuits plan to open 3 new shops in the next year, in France, Germany and Belgium. Sophia and Marcus are considering “going public”, i.e. turning the business into a Plc.
David Smart is responsible for administration and personnel. He is also the company secretary. Sophia and Marcus own 45% of the shares each, and Marie and David own 5% each.
All Tops Biscuits’ employees have been hourly paid (factory or shop floor workers) or on fixed annual salaries (office workers, factory supervisors and managers). Pay rates at Tops Biscuits are 10% higher than other firms in the industry as they want to attract top quality staff. David tries to give all new staff an induction, but does not always succeed especially for the shop staff who are too far away for him to meet.
In addition, all staff get a 25% discount off Tops Biscuits products after 6 months’ service with the company. Overtime is paid in the factory but not in the shops. Overtime is paid at time and a half. If shop workers work overtime, then they get time off in lieu. Office staff do not get paid overtime, but are on flexi-time.
Tops Biscuits has a pension scheme for all of its staff. It is contributory for factory and shop floor workers and supervisors. It is non-contributory for all staff at management level and above.
Tops Biscuits provides its Retail Area Manager and all the Directors with a company car (each car is valued at £18,000 new), which they can use for personal use as well as business use, provided that they pay for their personal petrol.
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